For thousands and thousands of years, human beings from various cultures worshiped pantheons of deities. We have already talked about Greek, Roman, and Egyptian Goddesses but today we are talking about the Celtic goddesses. I have paired up a goddess with each zodiac sign, and yes, I have even paired up Ophiuchus. Read on to find out which Goddess you are! Don’t forget to check your moon and rising signs as well as your sun signs.
I also want to note here that I am referring to deities from Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and England when mentioning Celtic goddesses.
Aries – The Morrígan, The Goddess of Battle and War

The Morrígan is actually made up of three goddesses named Badb (the battle raven), Macha (the goddess of sovereignty), and Nemain (the embodiment of frenzy and war). But their association with war is not the only reason why the warrior of the zodiac will relate to them. The protective nature of the triad will resonate with loyal Aries.
Taurus – Blodeuwedd, The Goddess of Flowers

Taurus is an earth sign who is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and sensuality. It is for this reason I have paired them with Blodeuwedd, the goddess of flowers. Taureans will relate to her complete (though slightly misguided) devotion to her lover, Gronw Pebr, and her hedonistic tendencies. The vernal Taurus will also love her origin story. Two magicians created her out of broom, meadowsweet, and oak.
Gemini – Brigid, The Goddess of Poetry

Gemini is the most poetic sign in the zodiac, so naturally, I had to match them with the goddess of poetry. But that is not the only reason I paired the exalted goddess with the mutable air sign. The Christian Church syncretized the goddess Brigid with St. Brigid of Kildare. So Gemini can relate to Brigid’s dualistic nature.
Cancer – Arianrhod, The Goddess of the Silver Wheel

In Celtic mythology, the Goddess is divided into three aspects, Maiden, Mother, and Crone. Blodeuwedd is seen as the Maiden, Morrígan is seen as the Crone, and Arianrhod is seen as the Mother. Arianrhod is also seen as a moon goddess, because she is called the Silver Wheel that Descends into the Sea. Cancerians will associate with this goddess because they associate with the moon, the sea, and the color silver.
Leo – Áine, The Goddess of Summer

Áine is seen as the goddess of summer, sovereignty, and riches. She is also strongly associated with the sun. She will resonate with Leo for many reasons. Leo is ruled by the sun, and their season begins right smack dab in the middle of summer. But they will also relate to Áine because of their love for wealth and luxury.
Virgo – Flidais, The Goddess of Earth

The mutable earth sign must be paired with an earth goddess. Flidais is seen as a guardian of the forest and both wild and domesticated animals. She is also seen as a goddess of healing and abundance. Virgos will relate to the kind and earthly deity because they also have a helpful and peaceful nature.
Libra – Branwen, The Goddess of Love

Like Taurus, Libra is also ruled by Venus, the planet of love. So naturally, I had to pair them with the Celtic goddess of love. Branwen’s story is a bit of a tragic one. She enters a loveless marriage to keep the peace between two kingdoms. So her devotion and diplomacy will resonate with the cardinal air sign.
Scorpio – Ceridwen, The Goddess of Transformation

Ceridwen is associated with many different aspects. But she is most well-known for her association with rebirth and transformation, and it is for this reason I paired her with the fixed water sign. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the planet of creation and destruction. But it is also seen as the planet of rebirth.
Sagittarius – Rhiannon, The Goddess of Horses

Rhiannon rings like a bell through the night… Wait, never mind, I’m saving the Stevie Nicks article for later this month. Rhiannon is often seen as another version of Epona, the Gaulish horse goddess. But she is also known for her tragic story where she was falsely accused of killing her son and forced to carry people on her back as a horse. As the dark horse of the zodiac, Sagittarians will relate to this misunderstood goddess.
Capricorn – Danu, The Mother Goddess

There are not many myths known about the goddess Danu, but one thing we do know is that she is seen as the mother of the Tuatha Dé Danaan, a group of deities who inhabited Gaelic Ireland. For this reason, she could be seen as a leader of the gods, which will resonate with the cardinal earth sign.
Aquarius – Cailleach, The Goddess of Winter

Cailleach is associated with the winter months, wolves, and storms, which I’m sure will resonate with stormy Aquarius. But I paired Cailleach with the fixed air sign because of her association with the pagan holiday Imbolc, which comes right in the middle of Aquarius season. Brigid is also heavily associated with Imbolc.
Pisces – Caer Ibormeith, The Goddess of Dreams

The dreamy and empathic Pisces will relate to the beautiful Celtic goddess of dreams. Caer Ibormeith is known for visiting Aengus, the god of love, in his dreams and causing him to fall in love with her by playing him beautiful music. Which, let’s be honest. That is a total Pisces power move.
Ophiuchus – St. Patrick
St. Patrick is a saint, not a deity. Just as Ophiuchus is not a zodiac sign. And I’m not going to lie, I feel pretty clever for pairing the serpent-bearer sign with the guy who drove the snakes out of Ireland.