This week, the moon is jumping from Scorpio to Sagittarius before settling into Capricorn. These transits may make us feel moody, introspective, and ambitious. On Friday, a square between the sun and the moon is going to form a half-moon that may have us feeling a bit on edge.
Monday, March 21

Around breakfast time, the moon in Scorpio forms a square with Mars in Aquarius, putting us on edge. Your loved ones may say that you are being argumentative when you feel like you are merely defending the things that you feel passionately about. Their assumptions may make you feel like you have to repress your passions and emotions. Instead of repressing yourself, you may find it helpful to take a step back, assess your feelings before trying to communicate with your loved ones again.
Almost two hours later, the moon forms an opposition with Uranus in Taurus. Under this opposition, we are fanatical and easily irritated. Our moods may change rapidly and we may have trouble adapting to unforeseen circumstances. At this time, we may feel like we have been thrown off our course. We may need time to gather our thoughts so that we may effectively communicate with our loved ones.
Around noon, the moon forms a square with Venus in Aquarius. Under this square, we may feel more reserved than romantic. We may be trying to force passion into our relationship rather than letting it happen naturally. Because of this, we may need to step back and give our partner some space. As cliche as it might sound, absence really can make the heart grow fonder.
This evening, the moon forms a sociable trine with Jupiter in Pisces. Under this trine, we are experiencing a tremendous amount of personal and professional success. We are optimistic and sincere at this time. We are also feeling creative and generous under this transit. You can channel your artistic talents and create a gift for a loved one.
Later, the moon forms a trine with Mercury in Pisces. This trine gives us a level head. We are eager to learn and we use good judgment. Under this placement, we are more likely to use critical thinking and positive rhetoric to overcome our troubles. We are open to experiencing anything new. At this time, we can easily influence others with our charisma and leadership qualities.
Just before midnight, the moon forms a square with Saturn in Aquarius. Under this placement, we find it difficult to hold onto the optimism we felt earlier in the day. We may feel depressed or unsatisfied with our current situation. We may find it difficult to express our true feelings. A lack of trust may create a rift between us and our romantic and professional partners.
Read More: What Does Your Moon Sign Say About You?
Tuesday, March 22

Early this morning, the moon forms a trine with Neptune in Pisces. Under this trine, we are high-spirited and have a great enthusiasm for life. We have an appreciation for the beauty around us as well as within us. We feel artistic and attractive. Now is the time for us to put our imaginations to good use and pursue some creative endeavors.
Just before noon, the moon forms a sextile with Pluto in Capricorn. Under this sweet sextile, our sentimental disposition reawakens. We might feel the need to indulge in our thrill-seeking impulses. We desire to travel to new places where we have never been. Give in to these desires. Be open to new experiences.
Later, the moon moves into ambitious Sagittarius. Under this moon, our spirits are high and our minds are restless. Lunar Sagittarius can make us exceptionally fiery. Now is the opportune moment to educate ourselves on things we may not completely understand. It is also the right time to reevaluate what is most important in your life.
This evening, the sun in Aries forms a trine with the moon. Under this trine, we experience levels of harmony that would make a Libra jealous. At this time, we feel physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy. We have a healthy work-life balance and we feel proud of our accomplishments. The relationships with our friends and family should feel strong and our relationship with our partners could flourish. Take some time to warm yourself in the glow of your personal and professional achievements. You’ve earned it.
Wednesday, March 23

This afternoon, the moon forms a strong sextile with Mars in Aquarius. Under this sextile, we have the courage to face situations that once intimidated us. We feel very open at this time and value honesty in ourselves as well as others.
In the evening, the moon forms a sextile with Venus in Aquarius. This is a truly delightful constellation to exist under. This sextile fills our lives with love and balance. We feel content and non-confrontational. Now is a wonderful time to consider starting a family or becoming active in your community.
Thursday, March 24

Right after midnight, the moon forms a square with Jupiter in Pisces. Under this square, we may find ourselves in conflict with authority figures. We may be wasteful with our assets at this time. Disagreements may arise in our romantic relationships. We may feel isolated from a maternal figure.
A few hours later, the moon forms a sextile with Saturn in Aquarius. Now is not the time to be spontaneous or impulsive. We must set our intentions using great deliberation. We are holding ourselves accountable and taking ownership of the things that are in our control. Our organizational talent is flourishing under this sextile. Now is a great time to spearhead a project at work or tackle any projects at home.
Around breakfast time, the moon forms a square with Neptune in Pisces. Under this placement, we are passive and anxious. We may feel hypersensitive and be easily hurt by the words and actions of those around us. This hypersensitivity can lead us to direct our insecurities inward. At times like this, self-care is very important. It may help to eat your favorite meal or watch your favorite movie. Meditation may also help.
Later, the moon forms a square with Mercury in Pisces. The moon and Mercury are both mutable by nature, and this square may cause our behavior to become, if you will forgive the pun, mercurial. These ever-changing moods can make us thoughtless, unpredictable, and impulsive.
Around dinner time, the moon leaves Sagittarius and enters determined Capricorn. Under this moon, we may be operating under a “more work, less play” mentality. We felt ambitious under the Sagittarius moon but now the Sea-Goat has cranked that ambition up to eleven. We have a strong sense of responsibility and duty, at this time. Though perseverance is admirable, we have to remember to set aside a little time for leisure.
Friday, March 25

In the wee hours of the morning, the sun forms a square with the moon. Under this half-moon, we can face many obstacles in our personal and professional lives. We may feel uncomfortable in our own skin and around others. This discomfort can lead to public disputes. Since we are particularly susceptible to health issues at this time, we may find it helpful to take a mental health day and let ourselves unwind.
Around lunchtime, the moon forms a trine with Uranus in Taurus. Under this trine, we feel sharp and ambitious. We are forging our own path and completing whatever tasks come our way in newfangled and innovative ways. We are not only working diligently, we are working cheerfully. Our amicable demeanor is helping to influence people in a positive way.
All aspects mentioned here are calculated in Eastern Standard Time. For greater accuracy, convert to your own time zone.