Why You Should Be Stretching Every Day

With so many of us working from home these days and spending hours sitting in a chair, there’s never been a better time to incorporate stretching into your everyday routine.

Take a moment and think about the last time you really stretched. I’m not talking about a quick arm stretch or casually touching your toes before a run. I’m talking about actually stretching — like sitting on the floor, holding positions for a minute, real stretching. 

Has it been so long you can’t even remember? Don’t worry, I’m in the same boat.

Though we’ve been taught about the importance of moving our bodies every day and getting in a substantial amount of cardio, we’re not often taught about the importance of stretching.

But, with so many of us working from home these days and spending hours sitting in a chair (or on a couch), there’s never been a better time to incorporate stretching into your everyday routine. 

Here’s why you — and everyone around you — should be stretching at least once a day:

You’ve Been Sitting For Way Too Long

Admit it, you’ve been sitting more this year than you ever have before. OK, this may not be entirely true, but I certainly feel like all I do every day is sit.


While sitting is comfortable, it’s not great on our bodies. Our posture is affected, our backs are affected…simply put, things just stiffen up. I’m currently dealing with a bit of lower back pain I’m attributing to the fact I’ve been sitting in chairs for hours on end every day.

So, if you’re someone who spends nearly every waking moment in a chair, take 15 minutes and stretch. It doesn’t matter when you do this, but make sure to fit it into your schedule. Your posture, your muscles, and your back will thank you down the road. 

Reduces Stress and Anxiety

This past year has been incredibly stressful, with so much going on in the world, so it’s totally normal if you’ve been feeling overly anxious. However, a great way to combat stress and anxiety is to stretch your body. 

You may not be aware, but oftentimes when we’re stressed we tend to clench our body, which in turn causes a lot of pain. Stretching releases muscle tension, which in turn releases anxiety. 

Your Joints Will Thank You Later

Believe it or not, but our joints lose up to 50% of their range of motion as we age. If we want to age gracefully and be able to do the things we love into our older age, it’s important we start stretching now.


Think of it like taking your car in for a maintenance check. You don’t wait until the car’s broken down to take it into the shop, right? (Or at least, you shouldn’t). You take the car in a couple of times a year to keep it in tip-top shape and you should treat your body the same way. Don’t wait until the last minute to start stretching!

Alright, Here’s What to Do

So, if you’ve been inspired to begin your stretching journey, now’s a great time to start. Carve out about 15 minutes in your day and do it every single day. 

Focus on stretching any areas of the body you feel need the most love, such as the back, the neck, or the legs. Hold each stretch for about 30 seconds and make sure to breathe while doing so. 


While you may not notice a major change after a few days, you’ll definitely start to reap the benefits if you keep up the stretching for a longer period of time. Who knows, you may even be able to do the splits!

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