Up to sixty percent of the adult body is composed of water. We know we won’t survive more than three days without drinking water. But, despite constantly being told our life depends on us drinking enough water, many of us don’t make it a priority.
Though I myself am a water maniac, I have plenty of friends who simply forget to drink water throughout the day. Sure, they may have a glass of water at lunch and a few sips here and there, but they’re not hypervigilant about drinking their eight cups a day.

Unsurprisingly, those same friends continuously complain about suffering from headaches, feeling tired, and lacking energy. They wonder why their skin looks duller and why they can’t seem to focus during the day.
Though our bodies need many different things to stay in tip-top shape (such as a healthy diet, enough exercise, etc), water is like our engine fuel. Without it, we simply fall apart.
Here is why we all (yes, even me), need to be drinking more water throughout our day. Trust me, your body will thank you later.
Mood Booster
Not drinking enough water doesn’t just affect your concentration levels, it also affects your mood. When we are dehydrated our bodies essentially begin to shut down, which is why we start to feel cranky, agitated, and lack awareness.
Drinking enough water throughout the day will improve your concentration and alertness, thus improving your overall mood.
Glowing Skin

If you’re noticing your skin looks dull and tired, you’re probably not drinking enough water. (Or using enough moisturizer, but that’s a conversation for another day).
Staying hydrated keeps the skin glowing and flushes out toxins, thus improving the overall appearance of the skin.
Keep It Moving
This may be TMI, but water helps to prevent constipation. It keeps the bowels moving and is critical for a healthy digestive tract.
If you’re someone who struggles with constipation, make sure you’re drinking enough water throughout the day. And no, you can’t just rely on coffee to help you go to the bathroom.
Say Goodbye to Headaches
A headache is often the number one sign of dehydration. In fact, It’s the first thing I notice when I haven’t been drinking enough water.
Keep the headaches at bay by starting your day off with a tall glass of water, preferably with a little bit of lemon!
Exercise Harder

Though everyone should be drinking more water, it is extra important for fitness enthusiasts to be chugging water 24/7. Water helps our muscles to rebuild and recover during and following a workout.
Not to mention, we lose a lot of fluids while we working out through sweat. Without enough water, our bodies will not recover properly. Make sure to drink plenty of water prior to a workout and focus on staying hydrated throughout the workout as well.
Help Those Kidneys
Water helps to flush out toxins in our body and keeps our kidneys in good condition. This is why you can tell you’re drinking enough water when your urine comes out clear. If you aren’t drinking enough water (and your urine is continuously a yellow color), you may be at higher risk for kidney stones.