For all you vision board haters out there, I used to be one too. I would laugh at my friends who would cut out words like “sparkle” or “inspire” from magazines and glue them on pieces of cardstock. “They actually believe this is going to make their year better?” I would say (under my breath, of course).
Plain and simple, I believed anyone who would take time out of their day to make a vision board was a big ol’ sucker. Well, as it turned out, the joke was completely on me.
My First Vision Board Experience
Let’s rewind to about three years ago when I was living in New York. I was at a friend’s house and she was in the middle of making her vision board for the New Year.
Since I was already there (and she had gathered all the necessary materials), I indulged her and made one too. I cut out words that meant something to me, photos that inspired me, and glued them onto my board.

After completing my board, I noticed everything I had cut out had to do with change. I had the word “pivot” on my board, photos of places I wanted to visit, and even a photo of the Kansas City Chiefs, my hometown team.
My friend suggested I tape the vision board to my mirror so I would see it every day, but I ended up stuffing it inside a box under my bed. Nothing was going to come true, right?
Wait, My Vision Board Came True?!
Well, let me tell you, things changed. A year after making that vision board I ended up quitting my job, I traveled all around the world, and I moved back home to be closer to my family.
During my move, as I was sorting through boxes, I pulled out my vision board and audibly gasped. One of the photos on my vision board was of the gorgeous Phi Phi islands in Thailand, a place I had actually visited earlier that year. I had moved back to Kansas City and had decided to change jobs, all things I sort of prophesied on that vision board.

I’m not saying the vision board was some sort of genie that made all my dreams come true, but I am saying it helped me to think about what I really want.
By making that vision board all those years ago, even though it took just 10 minutes, I really thought about what was important to me. I realized I wasn’t happy with my job, I wasn’t happy in New York, and I wanted to make a change. It made me aware, for the first time in a long time, what I wanted out of my life.
Why You Should Make a Vision Board in 2021
Now that I’m a big believer in vision boards, I make one every year. I tape it up on my mirror, as my friend suggested, and I look at it every day. It is a constant visual reminder of the things I want to achieve. On my bad days, I scoff at it. But, on my good days, it gives me the inspiration I need to follow my dreams.

As cheesy as this all may seem, I encourage you to make a vision board this year. Cut out photos of places you want to visit, goals you want to achieve, and words you want to live by.
Who knows, your dreams may end up coming true! And if not, well hey, at least you found a way to entertain yourself for an afternoon.