Summer officially kicked off late in the evening on Sunday, June 20, and according to the 2021 Farmer’s Almanac, it’s going to be an especially hot one for most of the country. It’s essential that we remember the basics of sunscreen use in order to keep our skin healthy in the face of extreme weather.
It’s so easy to write sunscreen off, saying to yourself, “What’s one day without it?” Well, sunburns and sun damage add up over time, and they can’t be reversed. That’s why it’s essential to make the application of sunscreen a part of your daily routine.
Read on for more tips about how to properly use sunscreen and keep your skin healthy, glowing, and radiant this summer.
Plan Ahead

In order for sunscreen to work effectively, it needs to absorb into your skin. Simply spreading it across your body and stepping outside won’t work. Decide when you’re going to go out, and plan to apply sunscreen about 30 minutes before then. This will give the sunscreen enough time to soak in so that it can properly protect you against the sun’s rays.

On a similar note, you have to keep track of the time after you put the sunscreen on, too. If you’re going to be in the sun for a while, then it’s important that you reapply sunscreen about every two hours. Cover every part of your body that’s exposed to the sun each time you reapply.
Use More Than You Think

When it comes to things like toothpaste, body wash, detergent, dish soap, and hand sanitizer, a lot of us use more than we actually need to. However, when it comes to sunscreen, it’s usually the opposite. People often use far less sunscreen than they should. It has been recommended that folks apply about two milligrams of sunscreen per square centimeter of skin. That equals about two tablespoons of sunscreen.
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Check the Weather Ahead of Time
The reason making sunscreen a part of your daily routine is important is that it only takes one super-hot day to give you a sunburn. If you always plan to have sunscreen on you, you won’t find yourself stuck in the heat with no protection. This is especially crucial when packing for a vacation.
The Farmer’s Almanac has predicted an exceptionally hot summer for the majority of the United States this year. Southern states and eastern states will be most affected by this extreme weather. Also, the heat will peak later than it normally does. The hottest temperatures we experience might not arrive until late August or early September.
Keep all this in mind when making your plans this summer. Putting on sunscreen might be a bit of a hassle, but it’s worth it in the long run. The easiest way to ensure you’re never stuck somewhere without sunscreen is to keep a little bottle of it in your car and your bag wherever you go. Make sure it’s at least SPF 15 to ensure proper protection. Summer is better without sunburns!