If you are an astrology aficionado, then I’m sure you have read dozens of articles and social media posts detailing which character from any franchise is paired with which zodiac sign. But have you ever wondered what tarot card each character from a franchise would be connected with?
Today we are going to discuss which character or trope from the hit paranormal romance Twilight would be if they were a tarot card from the Major Arcana. There is still an astrological component; each of the cards is associated with a zodiac sign and celestial body. You can learn more about that here! Don’t forget to check your birth chart here.
The Fool- Renesmee Cullen

The Fool card represents new beginnings. Bella gives birth to little Ravioli Cullen…I mean, Renesmee Cullen in the middle of Breaking Dawn, and birth is the ultimate new beginning.
The Magician- James

The Magician card represents ingenuity and the ability to think outside of the box. However, it can also represent a conman. And James, the nomadic vampire, cons Bella into meeting her by telling her that he has kidnapped her mother.
The High Priestess- Jessica Stanley

The High Priestess represents what we truly want out of life. It can also represent gossip. And Jessica Stanley is a huge gossip.
The Empress- Esme Cullen

The Empress card represents family. It also represents motherhood. And say what you want about the series and its characters, but Esme is an awesome mother to her bloodsucking children.
The Emperor- Carlisle Cullen

The Emperor card also represents family, but it also represents fatherhood and success. And Carlisle is not only a successful doctor, but he is also a successful vampire daddy. Yeah, I said, “daddy.” We have to get the Gen Z readership somehow.
The Hierophant- Charlie Swan

The Hierophant card represents wisdom and tradition. It can also represent our conscience or the little voice in our head that polices our actions. This is the perfect card for Charlie because he is the Chief of Police in Forks, Washington.
The Lovers- Sam Uley and Emily Young

The Lovers card represents love and difficult choices. Sam was dating Leah Clearwater, but he ultimately chose to be with Emily because he imprinted on her…so I guess he didn’t really have a choice.
The Chariot- Edward Cullen

The Chariot card represents action and change. Edward takes action when Bella is in trouble in the first book, and he takes action by going to the Volturi when he thinks that she’s dead. He is also the one who changes Bella. Maybe he considers his Volvo a chariot.
Strength- Emmett Cullen

The Strength card represents reassurance and perseverance. It also represents metaphorical and physical strength. I paired Emmett with this card because he is the strongest member of the Cullen clan. That’s the entire explanation. I didn’t go too deep with this one.
The Hermit- Laurent

The Hermit card represents the need to forge our own path. Laurent is a vampire who likes to go against the grain. He goes against his friend James when he warms the Cullens of his plans. And he goes against the Denali “vegetarian” vampires when he tries to kill Bella.
Wheel of Fortune- The Volturi

The Wheel of Fortune card represents the need to make our own luck. Edward and Bella were lucky that the Volturi didn’t kill them. And thanks to Alice’s vision, the Volturi were lucky that their entire clan wasn’t ultimately killed by the Cullens and the werewolves.
Justice- Rosalie Hale

The Justice card represents…well, justice. After Rosalie is turned into a vampire, she reigns down bloody justice on the men who brutalized her and left her for dead.
The Hanged Man- Bree Tanner

The Hanged Man represents the act of letting go. It can also warn the querent against sacrificing themselves for a cause that just isn’t worth it. And sadly, Bree does end up dying for Victoria’s ignoble cause.
Death- Leah Clearwater

The Death card does NOT mean someone is going to die, but it does represent letting go of the past. Throughout the book, Leah has trouble coming to terms with what becoming a werewolf has cost her.
Temperance- Jasper Hale

The Temperance card represents a harmonious balance. Being an empath, Jasper has the ability to control the emotions of those around them. So you could say he brings emotional balance to the Cullen clan.
The Devil- Victoria

The Devil card represents resentment. Through the 2nd and 3rd books, Victoria can’t let go of her resentment towards Bella and the Cullens for killing her mate, James.
The Tower- Isle Esme

The Tower card represents freedom from the things that are holding you back. And during their honeymoon on Isle Esme, Edward and Bella certainly weren’t holding themselves back. *wink wink*
The Star- Bella Swan

The Star card represents our ability to achieve our dreams. Bella is able to achieve her dream of marrying Edward and living with him and his family forever as a vampire. She is also the “star” of the series.
The Moon- Alice Cullen

The Moon card represents our need to move on. But it can also represent clairvoyance and psychic abilities. Alice is blessed with the ability of seeing the future, or rather future possibilities.
The Sun- Jacob Black

The Sun card represents success and happiness. Jacob spends the majority of the series upset because the girl he loves doesn’t love him back. But he ultimately finds happiness by imprinting on little Robitussin…I mean, Renesmee.
Learn more about the Quileute here.
Judgment- The Denali Clan

The Judgment card represents discernment. This card warns the querent against making snap judgments too harshly. The Denali Clan misunderstands and judges the circumstances regarding little Renaissance…I mean, Renesmee, before understanding the full situation.
The World- Bella’s Human Life

The World represents opportunities and possibilities. Bella gives up her human life in favor of a vampire life. And in doing so, she turns her back on any opportunities she would have had as a human. In a way, she gives up one world for another.