Welcome to Tarot Tuesday!
Each Tuesday I will be pulling a card from my grandmother’s tarot deck and writing about what the card could mean for the signs, broken up by element. The elements of the zodiac are Fire (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius), Earth (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn), Air (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius), and Water (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces).
I may pull a card from the major arcana, representing our inner wisdom. Or I may pull a suit card, representing outside influences. I may even pull a court card signifying a specific person in your life. This card can help you set your intention for the rest of the week or it can provide a visualization of your current situation. Don’t forget to check your moon and rising signs as well as your sun sign.
And just to mention a funny little happenstance, I pulled a card that I have already pulled and written about. Well, actually I pulled three cards that I have written about already before pulling a fourth card. I’m writing about the fourth card I pulled today, but if you wish to read about the Lovers card, the Knight of Cups card, or the Ace of Wands card, you can do so by following the links.
The Six of Swords

This week I pulled the Six of Swords. In tarot, the number six usually represents balance and harmony. More specifically, it represents peace and hope after a troublesome time.
Swords are the suit of communication. But the suit can also represent logic, focus, and fearfulness. When a sword card pops up in a reading it can represent courage or the disruption of an unfair status-quo. It can also represent fears that are holding us back.
In my grandmother’s deck, the card is depicted as three figures in a boat. A small figure, perhaps a child, sits next to a figure shrouded in a reddish-orange cloak. A masculine figure wearing a red and blue tunic, green leggings, and red boots. He rows the boat to a distant land. Six swords stand hilt up at the bow of the boat.
Though the card’s image may vary from deck to deck, the meaning is often the same. This card represents a calm and fortuitous time after a period of stress and uncertainty. This card also represents the act of leaving your regrets and troubles behind you. It can represent travel in some capacity. The trip could be work or pleasure related.
This card could also symbolize the banishment of a negative person.
What This Card Means for Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

Fire signs are ruled by their passion and drive. The Six of Swords card speaks to your need for freedom.
Aries, after a long time of feeling trapped in a bad situation, you can see freedom on the horizon. This freedom can help you achieve peace of mind.
Leo, you never need to diminish your fire for anyone. If anyone is making you feel like you have to dim your light, then it is time to let them go.
Sagittarius, your wanderlust will aid you well this week. It is time to leave all of your troubles in the rear view mirror. You are not running away, you are leaving what no longer serves you.
What This Card Means for Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

Earth signs are ruled by their dedication and desire. The Six of Swords card speaks to your need for rest after a particularly trying time.
Taurus, you know how to make a house a home and you know how to make other people feel safe. But now it’s time to make yourself feel safe physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Virgo, you are helpful and loyal by nature but there are people who may try to take advantage of your kindness. Banish those who would take you for granted.
Capricorn, you work very hard. Some would say you may work a little too hard. If work is causing you stress, it may be time to take a personal day or vacation.
What This Card Means for Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

Air signs are ruled by their compassion and independence. This card may hold more significance for you because the Swords are the suit of air. The Six of Swords card speaks to your need for self-reflection.
Gemini, tough times may have left you feeling a bit erratic. This card wants you to calm your mind in any way possible. You may find peace in jotting down your thoughts in a poem.
Libra, you are represented by the scales because you are constantly seeking balance in your life. This card wants you to balance your hectic work life with a little peace and leisure.
Aquarius, it may be time for you to get away for a while. A quick vacation can help you rediscover who you are and what you want out of life.
What This Card Means for Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

Water signs are ruled by their empathy and imagination. The Six of Swords card speaks to your need for peace and tranquillity.
Cancer, your emotions may have been all over the place lately. It may be time for you to focus on the things that bring you joy, rather than the things you feel obligated to.
Scorpio, if you feel like you have been stuck in a rut, it may be time to go on a little adventure. Give your mind and body a break from the stress and trouble that has been following you.
Pisces, you are empathetic and sweet natured. But like Virgo, you have to be wary of people who would take advantage of that and banish them for the sake of your own sanity.
It’s time to steer your boat to happiness. Tune in next week for another Tuesday Tarot Pull!