Moon Magic Monday: The Sun and Moon Work Together

Read on to find out what the moon has in store for you!

At the start of the week, the moon moves into Gemini. This transit will make us feel sharp and alert. But as the week continues, the moon glides over to Cancer. Under this moon, we don’t want to feel sharp, we want to feel comfy. 

Read on to find out what this week’s lunar transits have in store for us. 

Monday, May 2


Early this morning, the moon in Taurus forms a sextile with Jupiter in Pisces. This sextile is an absolutely superb transit to start our day off right. With these two signs working together, our generosity knows no bounds. We are compelled to contribute to humanitarian ventures and spread healthy positivity wherever we go. We are inspired by the performative and poetic nature of this constellation. Now is a great time to work on your creative projects. Your art may help to inspire others.

About thirty minutes later, the moon forms a trine with Pluto in Capricorn. We are feeling a lot of emotions right now. Others may not understand our feelings, but that does not matter as long as we understand them. We have a desire to have new experiences and travel to new places. Satisfy your curiosity. Set out on an adventure.

A few hours later, the moon forms a harmonious sextile with Venus in Pisces. This is a truly delightful constellation to exist under. This sextile fills our lives with love and balance. We feel content and non-confrontational. Now is a wonderful time to consider starting a family or becoming active in your community.

Later, the moon moves into inquisitive Gemini. Under this moon, our mental faculties are sharpened. We are curious and sympathetic. We are ready to have new experiences and meet new people. This is a wonderful time to network, and meet someone who may open doors for us. We are open to new possibilities and are willing to learn and achieve any and all opportunities.

Around lunchtime, the moon forms a conjunction with Mercury, also in Gemini. At this time, Mercury feels secure and at home in this constellation. This conjunction can inspire our business sense. We are discerning, capable, and mentally aware. Now is a wonderful time to create our business plan. This preparation will lead to success in the future.

Tuesday, May 3 


Around breakfast time, the moon forms a square with Mars in Pisces, putting us on edge. Under this transit, now we may feel a little cranky and irritable. Your loved ones may say that you are being argumentative when you feel like you are merely defending the things that you feel passionately about. Their assumptions may make you feel like you have to repress your passions and emotions. Instead of repressing yourself, you may find it helpful to take a step back, and assess your feelings before trying to communicate with your loved ones again.

Wednesday, May 4 


As we wake up, the moon forms a trine with Saturn in Aquarius. Under this trine, we see things clearly and tackle our goals with a great level of dedication and care. We feel organized and responsible. There is a desire to sort out our space as well as our thoughts. We are setting our intentions with care and consideration. There is no immediate rush to see our plans come to fruition. We are happy to take methodical and deliberate steps in achieving our goals.

About twenty minutes later, the moon forms a square with Neptune in Pisces. We are usually mentally and physically drained at the end of a long day and this square will only help to increase that fatigue. Under this placement, we are passive and anxious. We may feel hypersensitive and be easily hurt by the words and actions of those around us. At times like this, self care is very important. It could be very tempting to get lost in wishful thinking. Some positive escapism may help take your mind off of your anxieties.

Later, the moon forms a square with Jupiter. This square can create tension with authority figures as well as romantic partners. We may feel distant from a maternal figure in our lives. At this time, our liver is vulnerable, so it would be wise to avoid large amounts of alcohol and caffeine.

Around dinner time, the moon finds its home in cozy Cancer. Cancer is a water sign and water seeks its own level. Like Cancer, we also yearn for home and seek our own level. The moon governs our emotions, and during this lunar reunion, we are empathetic and in touch with our own needs and feelings. Now is a wonderful time to curl up in bed with a good book to read or a show to binge-watch. We can unwind with a home-cooked meal or a nice, long bath. Under this moon, it is okay to be a homebody.

Thursday,  May 5


In the wee hours of the morning, the moon forms a square with Venus in Aries. Under this square, we may feel more reserved than romantic. We may be trying to force passion into our relationship rather than letting it happen naturally. In times like these, we may need to step back and give our partner some space. As cliche as it might sound, absence really can make the heart grow fonder.

Friday, May 6 


Early this morning, the moon forms a sextile with Uranus in Taurus. This sextile grants us ambition and a can-do attitude. We are more than happy to help out with projects, both at work and at home. Thanks to our pragmatic sensibilities, we are able to persuade others easily to our way of thinking. We also may have a great desire to travel at this time. We crave a bit of freedom and are curious to see what the world has to offer. It may be time to plan a small getaway or take a day trip

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A couple of hours later, the sun in Taurus forms a sextile with the moon. Under this sextile, there is decent communication between masculine and feminine energies. We are eager to see and treat our fellow human beings as equals. We have a great sense of belonging at this time. Our loved ones are ready and willing to help us with whatever we need at this time. 

Later, the moon forms a trine with Mars. Under this trine, we are determined and courageous. We want to be open with others, and we want them to be honest with us. We are not in a rush but we are not stagnant because we are continuously moving at a steady pace. Our resourcefulness helps us navigate any rough waters we may encounter while tackling our goals.

This evening, the moon forms a trine with Neptune. Under this trine, we are innovative and have a great enthusiasm for life. We have an appreciation for the beauty around us as well as within us. We feel artistic and attractive. Now is the time for us to put our imaginations to good use and pursue some creative endeavors.

All aspects mentioned here are calculated in Eastern Standard Time. For greater accuracy, convert to your own time zone.

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