We all have our preconceived notions about certain zodiac signs. I mean, I write articles based on some of these notions. Some of the conceptions are so deeply ingrained in us that we end up treating people a certain way. I have had people physically and deliberately walk away from me when they learn that I’m an Aries. (We are nice, I promise!)
Are these beliefs warranted? There must be a kernel of truth to them, right? Well, let’s discuss it.
Speaking of Aries, we are going to talk about stereotypes most commonly attributed to the warrior ram. Are they angry combatants who love to argue? Or are they impassioned warriors who will fight for their loved ones regardless of the cost?
On this, the last full day of Aries season, let us dive a little deeper and see what makes these belligerent battlers tick.
Read more: All Those Who Wander: In Defense of Pisces
Aries: The Warrior of the Zodiac

Try to picture an Aries in your mind. Push all of those internet memes that call us evil, soulless demons out of your head and try to think of a real, flesh and blood Aries. Perhaps you are picturing a hyperactive child-like person bouncing off the walls. Or maybe you envision an intimidating person who uses a knife to perfect their eyeliner wing-tip. No matter how you envision them, there is no denying that there is something alluring and exciting about these people.
Aries are outgoing, optimistic, and passionate. They are a cardinal sign which means they are trendsetters. Some people say that Aries are natural-born leaders. That is somewhat true, however, they don’t really like bossing people around. They would prefer to motivate people and lead by example.
Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet that governs our passion, our drive, and our aggression. And the fire sign does its best to honor the red planet. Aries is often seen as highly opinionated and argumentative when in reality, they are just passionate. They have a lot of strong opinions because they care deeply about, well, everything. They may not always be very sympathetic, but they are never apathetic.
That is not to say that Aries are not temperamental. They got that reputation for a reason. They are loud, argumentative, and they will never, ever let a snide comment or a back-handed compliment slide. But the one thing that I wish all of the mean internet memes would remember is that “angry” does not equal “evil” or “cruel.” They get angry mostly when they are defending a loved one or if their feelings are hurt. When they are hurt, their first instinct is to fight, not to cry. But that being said, they can be huge crybabies.
It helps to think of Aries as a lightning bolt. They are bright, beautiful, and quick to strike. But there is always a downpour of rain, or in this case, tears, after they do strike.
Aries at Work

In school, Aries was probably the one that talked the most or could not sit still in their seats. The teacher or professor tried to keep them busy, but it was hard for them to focus on things that did not interest them. But once they found a subject or assignment that they could really sink their teeth into, they dedicated 110% of their time to it.
When it comes to employment, they prefer to work from home because it gives them a chance to be in charge of their own productivity and workspace. They have a slight issue with being micromanaged because they believe that work should be collaborative rather than exploitative. They also prefer occupations that give them some sort of creative freedom.
An immature Aries will go against their employer’s wishes just because they hate being told what to do. They will seldom give respect if they feel like they are being disrespected. While this is understandable, it is important to remember to pick your battles. And an immature Aries wants to pick all of them.
A mature Aries will find productive ways to blow off steam when they feel like there is tension at work. They know when to pick their battles and if they feel like they have been forced to pick too many battles they will leave and go where they are celebrated. A mature Aries will pick a work environment where they can thrive emotionally and creatively.
Aries in Love

Ever hear that phrase “I’m a lover, not a fighter?” Aries would prefer not to choose because if they love you, they will fight hard for you! When it comes to love, Aries are fun and adventurous partners who don’t like to feel stagnated so there will never be a boring moment. They are also fiercely loyal to their partners, almost to a fault. They easily charm people around them with their sanguine and passionate natures. An Aries wants their partner to feel loved so they have a tendency to be over-complimentary and doting.
An emotionally unevolved Aries will make excuses for their anger and aggression when their partners call them out. They will hardly ever take responsibility for their own behavior. On the flip side, they might take responsibility for their own behavior and their partner’s behavior. Their loyalty sometimes causes them to make excuses for their partner’s words and actions.
An emotionally evolved Aries would prefer to talk through their anger and passion rather than suppress it or explode. They use phrases like “I feel angry right now,” or “I had a bad day and I need to vent,” rather than unleashing their anger on their loved ones. They are also always ready to emotionally support, but not coddle, their partners when they need to vent.
Aries and Friendship

Friendship is where Aries flourish. They can be good workmates and lovers, but they make fantastic friends. That is because they prioritize their friends and community over anything else. As I stated above, they are fiercely loyal. They are the definition of a “ride-or-die friend.” Once an Aries calls you a friend, they will do anything for you. It takes a lot to make an Aries burn a bridge, but when they do, know that it was not a decision they made lightly.
A juvenile Aries might be a bit too supportive of you. Meaning that they won’t always call you out on your bad decisions. They think that they are being helpful but in reality, they are just enabling. They also have a tendency to speak for their friends before actually asking their friends what they need from them.
A more level-headed Aries knows when to be supportive of their friends, but they also know when their friends need some tough love. They will check in with you before speaking for you or emotionally dumping on you. They will also stand up for you when they see that you are having a tough time standing up for yourself.
Aries are loud and aggressive like lightning bolts. But they do not want to strike. They want to fly across the sky and grab your attention. They can be terrifying. But if you learn to appreciate their bright beauty, they will light up your dark sky like a firework.