Do you ever wonder if you come off as mysterious to the people around you? Do you keep people guessing or are they able to get a pretty good read on you? Would it take a genius like Sherlock Holmes to figure you out? Or are you about as puzzling as an episode of Scooby Doo?
We have previously ranked the signs on how generous and how confident they are. But today, we are ranking the signs on how mysterious they are. Read on to find out where your sun sign falls on the list. Don’t forget to check your moon and rising signs as well as your sun signs. You can check your birth chart here!
13. Gemini, The Least Mysterious

Geminis are one of the most verbally eloquent signs in the zodiac. You never have to wonder what a Gemini is thinking or how they are feeling because they will tell you. They are open books who love to indulge in gossip. They are always ready to spill the tea. But what the mutable air sign lacks in mystery, they make up for in frankness. For the most part, they are open and honest about how they feel.
12. Aries

Fire signs are vibrant and passionate. They can certainly be intriguing, but that does not necessarily mean that they are mysterious. Aries are loud and adventurous firecrackers. But they can also be incredibly blunt because they don’t like to mince words. What you see is almost always what you get when interacting with the cardinal fire sign.
11. Leo

Leo could probably tie with Aries on this list because neither of them is very discreet. But I ranked the charismatic fixed sign as a tad bit more mysterious than their cardinal counterpart because they are more likely to feign an air of mystery to draw others to them. Leos exude charm, and they know how to use their wiles to intrigue others.
10. Taurus

Taureans are ruled by Venus, the planet named for the Roman goddess of love. So it is safe to assume that the fixed earth sign wears their heart on their sleeve. Though they are a bit more mysterious than the aforementioned signs, they love to gossip and tell stories a bit too much to be considered incredibly mysterious.
9. Pisces

Though one could argue that water signs are the most mysterious signs as a whole, Pisces is probably the least mysterious water sign. The mutable water sign just doesn’t really have much of a reason to keep secrets from the people that they love. And like Taurus, they like regaling their friends with stories too much to be all that mysterious.
8. Libra

Libras are all about peace-keeping and balance. So it probably doesn’t come as a great shock that they are falling somewhere in the middle of the list. Like Taurus, they are also ruled by Venus, so they also keep their hearts on their sleeve. But because they tend to be so diplomatic, they tend to keep their true intentions and motivations to themselves.
7. Capricorn

Capricorns are quite intelligent. So it stands to reason that they would know when to keep their true intentions to themselves if it benefits them. However, I ranked them in the middle of this list because of their charisma and people skills. Though they may keep their motivations to themselves, they are usually upfront with how they truly feel about people or certain situations.
6. Virgo

Virgos are the most mysterious earth sign. They are mutable signs which means they are able to easily adapt to their surroundings to the needs of others. Because they are so adaptable, it can be hard to get a read on how they truly feel. However, they are not ranked as very mysterious due to their frank and no-nonsense nature.
5. Cancer

To quote General Li Shang from the iconic Disney film Mulan, this sign is “…mysterious as the dark side of the moon.” The great glowing orb in the night sky was shrouded in mystery until Neil Armstrong stepped onto its non-cheesy surface in 1969. So it only makes sense that the sign that the moon rules over, Cancer, is just as mysterious. Cancer’s thoughts and feelings are as deep and intriguing as the deep blue sea.
4. Sagittarius

This ranking may seem a tad bit odd. As I said earlier in the article, fire signs are passionate but not very discreet. And while it is true that the entertaining Sagittarius is not very discreet with their actions, their motives and desires are not always clear. As mutable signs, Sagittarians don’t always know what they want, so the people around them probably won’t know what they want either. They are like a puzzle that is super difficult to solve.
3. Aquarius

Aquarians are one of the most mysterious signs because they are so aloof. But they don’t necessarily try to be aloof. The fixed air sign is often accused of being emotionless. But that could not be farther from the truth. They often have a million thoughts and feelings bouncing in their head all at once, and it can be hard for them to articulate a single idea or emotion at a time. So they prefer to keep them all bottled up until they feel comfortable or emotionally safe around someone.
2. Scorpio, The Most Mysterious

I’m sure this ranking came as a surprise to no one! Scorpios are so intriguing because they are the most secretive sign in the zodiac. They are also one of the sexiest signs in the zodiac because nothing is sexier than a not-so-subtle air of mystery. They are definitely the most mysterious sign. Or at least they would be if not for…
1. Ophiuchus

Ophiuchus is so mysterious that they don’t even exist!