Every week I pull one card from my grandmother’s tarot deck and write about what that card can mean for each sign. But today I want to focus on one sign in particular. Did you know that each zodiac sign has specific tarot cards assigned to them? I don’t mean just one card. Every sign has a card for them, their ruling planet, and their element. But what do these cards mean? Let’s find out.
Today, we are talking about Aquarius. The rebellious sign needs a little attention from our trusty tarot deck. At the beginning of the Water Bearer season, we listened to a funky Aquarian playlist. But today, we are going to explore the traits of the fixed air sign a bit more thoroughly by seeing what the cards have in store for our temperamental yet compassionate sign.
Aquarius is connected to the Star card. Its ruling planet Uranus is connected to the Fool card. Its ancient ruling planet Saturn is connected to the World card. And its air element is connected to the Swords suit. Let’s dive in a little deeper and see what these cards mean.

Every air sign is connected to the Swords suit, and it is pretty obvious as to why. Swords represent logic, focus, and communication. But the suit can also represent fearfulness and single-mindedness. When a sword card pops up in a reading it usually relates to something regarding education or justice.
A sword card advises us to use our wisdom and our words when faced with a dilemma. It reminds us to courageously raise our voices to bring about much-needed change. But it also warns us against judging others too harshly.
The swords speak to the inquisitive nature of Aquarians. When a sword card is pulled during a reading it can represent courage or a disruption of an unfair status quo. It can also represent fears that are holding us back. This is the “social justice” suit, and touches on Aquarius’ need for social change in the face of inequality.
The World

Aquarius’ ancient ruling planet is Saturn and the tarot card for this celestial body is the World. This card belongs to the Major Arcana and it is believed that Major cards hold deeper and more specific meaning. In some decks, The World card depicts a feminine or an androgynous figure holding a staff in each hand. They are surrounded by a green wreath and the four Biblical living creatures. But the depiction may be different depending on the deck you use.
The World card represents all of our wishes and desires coming to fruition. This is the last card in the Major Arcana and can symbolize the end of “The Fool’s Journey.” This card symbolizes expanded horizons and endless possibilities for the querent. When this card pops up in a reading it can mean that you will soon be presented with an exciting opportunity. This opportunity may be one that you have longed for or one that is beneficial yet unexpected. This card also warns you against sacrificing your dreams for the dreams of others. Travel is a big theme with this card as well.
Saturn often represents structure and a traditional worldview. Given Aquarius’ penchant for rebellion, it is easy to understand Saturn is its ancient ruling planet rather than its modern ruling planet. However, Saturn can also represent a protective figure in our life and Aquarians often feel very protective of their loved ones and community. The World card speaks to an Aquarian’s desire to make our world a better place for us all.
The Fool

The ruling planet for Aquarius is Uranus. And yes I know that that sounds like a juvenile joke. Good thing most Aquarians have a good, albeit weird sense of humor. The tarot card for Uranus is the Fool. In some decks, the Fool card depicts a young androgynous figure dressed in a green, gold, and red tunic and carrying a knapsack on their shoulder. The sun shines above them, and a dog follows at their feet. They are walking very close to the edge of a cliff.
Now, this does not mean that Aquarians are foolish. The Fool card represents new beginnings and endless possibilities. This is pretty appropriate for Aquarius, since its season starts just a few weeks into the New Year. This card symbolizes intuition and opportunity. When this card pops up in a reading, it means that it is time for the querent to take a leap of faith. It can also represent levity and spontaneity.
Uranus governs our ingenuity and rebellion, and since it rules over Aquarius, it is only fitting that the Water-bearer personifies these traits. The Fool card relates to Aquarius’ unorthodox ideals. But it can also speak to the sign’s hastiness.
The Star

The tarot card for Aquarius is the Star. The Star symbolizes attaining your dreams and desires through perseverance. This card encourages the querent to tackle their goals and ambitions head-on. In some decks, the Star is depicted as a nude feminine figure kneeling underneath a giant gold star and seven smaller white stars. The figure kneels with one foot in a pool of water and one knee on a patch of grass. The figure holds two water pitchers, pouring one out into the pool, and pouring the other one out onto the patch of grass. However, the card may look different based on which deck you use.
The Star card is a literal manifestation of the phrase “Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss, you will land amongst stars.” This card can also represent the imposter syndrome that can overtake the querent if they are too apprehensive of following their dreams.
The Star relates to Aquarius’ adventurous and idealistic nature. It represents their determination to make their dreams a reality. It also represents the unmitigated confidence an Aquarian can have when they do not allow themselves to be bogged down by the opinions of others.
There You Have It, Aquarius!
We have a powerful tarot spread for the zodiac’s reckless revolutionary. Whenever these cards pop up in your reading, know that they may have an extra special message for you.