At the beginning of this year, we discussed our “Big Three,” our sun signs, our moon signs, and our ascendant signs. Last month we talked about our inner planet signs, Mercury, Venus, and Mars. This month we are discussing our outer planet signs. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (yes, even Pluto) are commonly referred to as the outer planets. Today, we are going to discuss what our Uranus placements mean. If you do not know what your Uranus placement is, you can calculate it here.
Uranus is named after the Greek primordial deity of the sky. The god may be primordial, but the planet rules over our innovation and rebellion. Uranus also governs how we enact change. You could say that Uranus is the planet of evolution and revolution. Read on to find out how our Uranus placements affect how we handle more mature situations.
Also, I promise I won’t make any immature jokes about the pronunciation of Uranus… well, maybe just one.
Aries Uranus

People with their Uranus sign in Aries are driven by their need for personal independence. They seek freedom from the situations that stifle their innovation and hold them down. If you have this placement, then you strive to be self-reliant and you work best when following your intuition. You can also be very set in your own ways or traditions, and this stubbornness is often at odds with your desire to break free from routine.
Taurus Uranus

People with their Uranus sign in Taurus are driven by their need for worldly comfort. They seek out anything that can bring them financial and emotional security. If you have this placement, then you strive to defy the stigmas placed on the epicurean delights, such as food, sex, and creature comforts. Though you have a penchant for luxury, you are also very pragmatic and fiscally practical.
Gemini Uranus

People with their Uranus sign in Gemini are driven by their need for open and honest communication. They usually have a million words and thoughts tumbling around their head at any given minute. If you have this placement, then you strive for new and innovative ways to share ideas and connect with people. You are outspoken and you like to talk at length about all your ideas. However, sometimes you have so many ideas that it is impossible to follow through with them.
Cancer Uranus

People with their Uranus sign in Cancer are driven by their need for a safe space and emotional stability. They seek out community or anything that will give them a sense of family. If you have this placement, you strive to extend the definition of “family.” You are always willing to accept people into your family regardless of blood relation. You also act on instinct rather than planning things and because of this, others may have trouble seeing the method to your madness.
Leo Uranus

People with their Uranus sign in Leo are driven by their need for unrestrained self-expression. They seek out all forms of entertainment and creative pursuits. If you have this placement, then you strive to free yourself from the confines of humility. You know that there is nothing wrong with standing out in the crowd and knowing your worth. Your artistic impulses are sometimes at odds with your sense of efficiency.
Virgo Uranus

People with their Uranus sign in Virgo are driven by their need for a more modern and innovative work environment. They seek out ways to provide a perfect work/life balance not only for themselves but also for those around them. If you have this placement, then you strive to break from antiquated methods for accomplishing tasks. You have incredible insight and ingenuity. However, you struggle to trust your own intuition.
Libra Uranus

People with their Uranus sign in Libra are driven by their need for balance in their professional and personal life and their community. They seek out perfect partnerships with their friends, co-workers, and significant others. If you have this placement, then you strive for equality in every facet of life. You believe that employees should set boundaries with their employers and that romantic relationships should be based on mutual respect. You may play devil’s advocate a bit too much, but you always try to find common ground.
Scorpio Uranus

People with their Uranus sign in Scorpio are driven by their need for spiritual and psychological healing. They seek out things that will allow them to transform and evolve into their best selves. If you have this placement, you strive for mental clarity. You believe that mental health care should be more accessible. Though you trust your intuition, you are always happy to do more research.
Sagittarius Uranus

People with their Uranus sign in Sagittarius are driven by their desire for freedom of thought. They seek out progress and do not like to be tied down by tradition. If you have this placement, you strive for more in-depth education. You do not like to get caught up in the smaller details because you prefer the big picture. You prefer to act on impulse rather than planning things out.
Capricorn Uranus

People with their Uranus sign in Capricorn are driven by their desire for social and administrative progress. They seek out more modern ways of doing things because they do not like to be stuck in the past. If you have this placement, then you are not willing to blindly follow someone just because they may have authority. You question things that seem superfluous or outdated and strive to revolutionize your community and workplace.
Aquarius Uranus

Aquarius’ ruling planet is Uranus, so people with their Uranus sign in Aquarius are driven by their need for innovation in all facets of their life. They are excited by new technologies and do not fear the future. If you have this placement, you strive for ways for everyone in your community to connect with each other. You love technology so much because you see it as a way for the world to more effectively communicate.
Pisces Uranus

People with their Uranus sign in Pisces are driven by the desire for compassion. They want to break the stigma associated with therapy. If you have this placement, you strive for a more empathetic and understanding world. You are also open to new different forms of spirituality and new ways of thinking.
Ophiuchus Uranus

Ophiuchus is not a real zodiac sign, so if Uranus is in Ophiuchus… then you should go see a doctor. My editor is definitely going to hate me for that joke.