When people ask us what our sign is, we usually give them our sun sign because it is the easiest one to calculate. All we need is our birthday to find it out. But what does our sun sign tell us about ourselves? Our sun sign represents our energy and how we self-identify. It gives us a clear picture of how we approach our day-to-day lives. Keep reading to find out what your sun sign says about you.
Aries, The Ram (March 21- April 20)

Aries, you are the warrior of the zodiac. You are ruled by Mars, the planet of willpower and sexuality. You are a cardinal fire sign, which means you are governed by your intense desire to guide and protect the ones you love.
Aries are vivacious, adventurous, and optimistic. They can also be easily irritated, temperamental, and anxious. People assume that you are angry all the time, when in reality you are just incredibly passionate. One thing that people may not realize about you is how creative you can be and how loyal to your friends you are.
Taurus, The Bull (April 21-May 20)

Taurus, you are the homemaker of the zodiac. You are ruled by Venus, the planet of romance, friendship, and aesthetics. You are a fixed earth sign, which means you are governed by your determination to put down roots.
Taureans are dependable, stable, and determined. They are also stubborn, uncompromising, and — if you will forgive the pun — bull-headed. Others assume that you are a control freak, when you are really just trying to make sure everyone is safe and happy. One thing that people may not know about you is that you are equal parts wholesome and hedonistic.
Gemini, The Twins (May 21-June 20)

Gemini, you are the wordsmith of the zodiac. You are ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. You are a mutable air sign which means you are able to communicate and connect with people from all walks of life.
Geminis are sympathetic, inquisitive, and expressive. They are also insecure, erratic, and indecisive. People may think that you are hypocritical when in reality you are able to easily change your views based on the facts you are presented with. One thing that people may not realize about you is how strong your desire for knowledge can be.
Cancer, The Crab (June 21-July 22)

Cancer, you are the moon child of the zodiac. You are ruled by the moon, which governs our emotions. You are a cardinal water sign, which means you see yourself as the emotional and moral backbone of your community.
Cancers are creative, compassionate, and unshakeable. They are also moody, cynical, and manipulative. Those around you may think that you are over-sensitive, when in reality you just care a lot about people. Others may not realize how level-headed and cool under pressure you can be.
Leo, The Lion (July 23-August 22)

Leo, you are the sovereign of the zodiac. You are ruled by the sun, which governs our vitality. You are a fixed fire sign, which means you are able to zero in on your passions and dedicate your entire being to them.
Leos are charming, warm-hearted, and theatrical. They are also selfish, obstinate, and willful. People assume that you are a wanton attention-seeker, but you just have a big personality, and you refuse to dim your light just because others want you to. One thing people may not realize about you is that you crave a sense of community.
Virgo, The Virgin (August 23-September 22)

Virgo, you are the powerhouse of the zodiac. Like Gemini, you are ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. You are a mutable earth sign, which means you are able to anticipate the tangible needs of those around you.
Virgos are kind, logical, and industrious. They are also timid, anxious, and overly critical. Those around you may assume that you are unable to relax, but in reality you thrive when your mind, body, and spirit are actively engaged. People may not realize just how empathetic you are to other people’s emotions.
Libra, The Scales (September 23-October 22)

Libra, you are the peace-keeper of the zodiac. Like Taurus, you are ruled by Venus, the planet of romance, friendship, and aesthetics. You are a cardinal air sign, which means you are able to maintain harmony amongst your peers through diplomacy.
Libras are sociable, courteous, and unbiased. They are also ambivalent, resentful, and self-pitying. People may assume that you are incapable of taking sides or making big decisions, when really you just like to gather all the facts before making up your mind. Those around you may not realize that you are an ambivert, meaning you display extroverted and introverted tendencies.
Scorpio, The Scorpion (October 23- November 21)

Scorpio, you are the paramour of the zodiac. You are ruled by Pluto, the planet of creation and destruction. Your ancient ruler is Mars, the planet of willpower and sexuality. You are a fixed water sign which means you are incredibly in tune with your own emotional needs and wants.
Scorpios are sensual, passionate, and loyal. They are also arrogant, envious, and secretive. Those around you may assume that you are aggressive, when in reality you just know what you want and go after it. Others may not realize how sweet and romantic you can be.
Sagittarius, The Archer (November 22-December 21)

Sagittarius, you are the dark horse of the zodiac. You are ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck of spiritual worldviews. You are a mutable fire sign, which means you are able to adapt to your community and welcome change.
Sagittarians are charitable, ambitious, and entertaining. They are also impatient, selfish, and unable to make good on promises. People may assume that they are broody know-it-alls, but they are really just incredibly self-reflective. Others may not realize how wise and philosophical they are. They are sagely Sagittarians!
Capricorn, The Sea-Goat (December 22- January 19)

Capricorn, you are the executive of the zodiac. You are ruled by Saturn, the planet of regulation and ambition. You are a cardinal earth sign, which means you have an intense need for organization and control of your surroundings.
Capricorns are accountable, charismatic, and self-disciplined. They are also vindictive, condescending, and self-important. Those around you assume that you are controlling neat-freaks, but in reality, you have incredible organizational and leadership skills. People may not realize how shrewd you are economically.
Aquarius, The Water-Bearer (January 20- February 18)

Aquarius, you are the revolutionary of the zodiac. You are ruled by Uranus, the planet of ingenuity and rebellion. Your ancient ruler is Saturn, the planet of regulation and ambition. You are a fixed air sign, which means you are dedicated to innovation and activism for the betterment of your community.
Aquarians are independent, compassionate, and considerate. They are also temperamental, standoffish, and emotionally restrained. People assume that you are a lone-wolf or an outsider, but you really do care a lot about your loved ones. You just keep your social circle small. Others may not realize how open-minded and adventurous you are.
Pisces, The Fish (February 19- March 20)

Pisces, you are the empath of the zodiac. You are ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams and intuition. Your ancient ruler is Jupiter, the planet of luck and spiritual worldviews. You are a mutable water sign, which means you have the uncanny ability to read and adapt to the emotions of those around you.
Pisces are creative, intuitive, and musically inclined. They are also apprehensive, escapist, and have the tendency to victimize themselves. Others assume that you are naive, but in reality you are just perpetual optimists. People may not realize how acutely aware of your surroundings you are.
Ophiucus, The… Whatever (N/A)
Have you ever heard of the 13th zodiac sign? If not, don’t worry about it. But if so, quit trying to make Ophiucus happen because it’s not real!