We have talked about our sun, moon, and rising signs, as well as our other chart placements on this site. We have also talked about our modalities. But today we are tackling our elements.
We know all about the zodiac elements, right? Fire signs are angry all of the time. Earth signs sticks-in-the-mud. Air signs are super kooky. And water signs are crybabies. Plain and simple, right? Well, not exactly. It’s easy to chalk up each sign to the stereotypes of their elements. And some cliches are kind of true. But let’s not pigeonhole them just yet. I have shed light on these elemental stereotypes before, but now I want to go a bit more in-depth.
Let’s dive into what drives the fire signs’ passion, what grounds the earth signs, what stimulates the air signs, and what touches the water signs.
Fire Signs – The Passionate Ones

Aries, Leos, and Sagittarians are known as fire signs. They are characterized by their passion, their ambition, and their creativity. But they are also known for their impatience, their impulsivity, and their anger. They may have a fire in their bellies, but that is because they care a lot.
Aries, you perfectly embody the passion of fire. Yes, you can be angry and perhaps even a little wrathful, it’s true. But that anger is a product of your passion. You are so dedicated to every project you commit to, every person you love, and every dream you have. And when something derails your projects, or hurts your loved ones, or crushes your dream, that is when you strike like a lightning bolt. “Ballroom Blitz” must have been written about you because you are the passionate one.
Leo, your fire is encompassed in your creativity and self-expression. You are a natural-born entertainer. You sing at the top of your lungs and you dance like nobody’s watching. Your charisma is unmatched and you easily charm everyone around you. You can be hot-headed, sure, but you are also warm-hearted. Like a bright and inviting fireplace, you are the centerpiece of any room you enter.
Sagittarius, your fire cannot be contained. Like a matchstick, there is no telling what you can achieve. You are ambitious, but not in the ways others may be. For you, there is no limit to what you can learn and where you can go. You are the type of person who will read every book in the library and once you are done you travel to new places to learn new things because you never want to stop educating yourself.
Earth Signs – The Dependable Ones

Taureans, Virgos, and Capricorns are known as the earth signs. They are characterized by their dependability, their stability, and their pragmatism. But they are also known for their stubbornness, arrogance, and inflexibility. They may be a little too grounded, but that is what makes them trustworthy.
Taurus, you are as dependable as the earth you walk and dance barefoot on. You like your life to be as stable as possible and you like to provide stability for those around you. You tend to people as if you are a gardener. When you remember to tend to yourself, you surround yourself with the most decadent of earthly delights. Hey, I don’t call you a wholesome hedonist for nothing.
Virgo, you are pragmatic enough to know that the biggest trees with the sturdiest branches have the deepest and strongest roots. You like to extend your branches to help everyone due to your kind and incredibly helpful nature. But you are wise enough to know that you can’t help people without providing a stable and secure foundation for yourself.
Capricorn, you are as stable and as solid as rock. You provide a foundation upon which others can build and you are the keystone that keeps others from collapsing. Others are able to rely on you and sometimes the pressure may get to you. It may cause you to project that pressure onto others. This projection can make you come off as controlling. But it is never your intention to micromanage. You simply want to help others achieve what you know they can.
Air Signs – The Wise Ones

Geminis, Libras, and Aquarians are known as the air signs. They are characterized by their sense of justice, their communicative skills, and their compassion. But they are also known for their ambivalence, their stand-offishness, and their erratic natures. Their heads may be in the clouds, but their hearts are always in the right place.
Gemini, words flow through you like a soft breeze. Communicating has always come easy to you for the most part. You are quite studious and you love to read and write as much as you can. And it’s no big secret that you are quite loquacious. Sometimes it may feel like you have too many words and this can leave you feeling a bit erratic or indecisive.
Libra, as a social butterfly represented by the scales, you fly on the wings of justice. Keeping the peace and defending those in need is your utmost priority. And sometimes you try to maintain harmony at the expense of your own inner balance. Sometimes, as a butterfly, you have to retreat to your cocoon to rest and recharge so that you can spread your wings once again.
Aquarius, your head is not so much in the clouds as it is in outer space. But even if your mind is a million light-years away, your heart is always in the right place. You care an awful lot about your community. Your compassion is nearly unmatched. It can be hard to display these emotions because you have so many tumbling around in your head and sometimes it is easier to shut down than express them. Sometimes you may feel like an outsider or an alien, but know that deep down you are a revolutionary of love.
Water Signs – The Emotional Ones

Cancerians, Scorpios, and Pisceans are known as the water signs. They are characterized by their empathy, their imagination, and their sweet natures. But they are also known for their hypersensitivity, their moodiness, and their sneakiness. They may see their glass as half-empty, but that’s only because they feel so many emotions at any given time.
Cancer, you are the ocean. You can seem so still on the surface while below there are raging currents controlled by an ever-changing moon. Your waters run deep. Sure you can be moody, but you are also devoted and incredibly imaginative. You are also unshakable. Nothing can destroy the ocean, and there is not much that can destroy you.
Scorpio, sometimes people wonder how you can even be a water sign when you seem so different from the other two. But it’s their problem if they can’t see you for the raging river that you are. Like all water signs, you are more than happy to express your emotions. You would just rather honor your baser emotions. You may be brazen and secretive at times. But you also have a sweet nature that can’t be eroded away by even the strongest river rapid.
Pisces, since water is by its own nature mutable, some could say that you are the perfect mutable sign (no offense to Sagittarius, Virgo, and Gemini, we still love them.) You are so good at going with the flow, one could think that you invented the concept. You are also incredibly empathetic, some may even say empathic. Just as you connect to the entire ocean by simply stepping foot into the briny water, you are able to connect to everyone just by being near them.