Have you ever read your horoscope and wondered, “how do astrologists come up with this stuff? Is it all made up?” I have stated before that even though astrology is an ancient practice, it is not an exact science. That being said, that does not mean that we just make stuff up.
We write horoscopes by keeping track of celestial aspects and transits. When you hear astrologers refer to aspects and transits, they are referring to planetary and astrological placements. Transits are the ongoing movement of the planets. When a planet is in retrograde that is considered a transit. Aspects are the angles that planets form with each other. And yes I was quite taken back when I got this job and was told that math would be involved.
We also have to take planetary placements into account. It is theorized that different planets govern different aspects of our lives and personalities. And when those planets occupy different astrological signs it can affect how we handle those parts of our lives. Certain signs can be affected a bit more depending on the placement of planets or the transits and aspects they form.
Let’s dive in deeper and find out what certain aspects and transits mean for us.
What Do Planetary Placements Mean For Us?

I have already talked at length about our planetary chart placements, but for this section I am only talking about the daily placements mean for us.
The sun’s placement lasts for about a month and that is how we keep up with the astrological seasons. This placement can affect our overall energy and how we see ourselves.
The moon’s placement only lasts for about two or three days. This placement can affect our mood, our emotions, and inner self. As I stated above, it also affects our house placements.
Mercury’s placement lasts for about 14 to 30 days. This placement affects our communication, intellect, and technological prowess.
Venus’ placement lasts for about 23 to 60 days. This placement affects our personal tastes and our romantic proclivities.
Mars’ placement lasts for about a month and a half. This placement rules our passion, willpower, and drive.
Jupiter’s placement lasts for about a year. This placement rules over our luck and our fortune.
Saturn’s placement lasts for about two and a half years. This placement rules over our obligations, responsibility, or determination.
Uranus’ placement lasts for about seven years. This place rules our originality and innovation.
Neptune’s placement lasts for about 14 years and is known as a generational planet. This placement rules over our dreams, our intuition, and spirituality.
Pluto’s placement lasts for about 12 to 31 years and it is also known as a generational planet. This is known as This placement rules over our creative and destructive tendencies as well as our intensity.
What Are Trines?

Trines are formed when two celestial bodies create a 120° angle on the chart. It helps to think of these planets as standing side by side, holding hands. Trines occur when the two planets involved are residing in signs that share an element. This aspect is considered one of the more positive aspects. It is believed to bring us good fortune and harmony. Just be sure not to waste this positive energy. You want to use it to bring about change that will benefit yourself and those around you.
What Are Squares?

Squares are formed when two celestial bodies create a 90° angle on the chart. It helps to think of these planets looking over one another’s shoulders and not giving each other any space. Squares are not necessarily negative aspects, they can just be tense and uncomfortable. This aspect is believed to bring certain challenging situations to the forefront of our attention so that we can no longer ignore them. A square does not make us stubborn, it just makes us more aware of stubborn energy. This aspect wants us to learn how to compromise.
What Are Sextiles?

Sextiles are formed when two celestial bodies create a 60° angle on the chart. It helps to think of these planets hugging each other. These planets form an acute angle, and this is a cute aspect. Let’s see if my editor leaves that terrible joke in. This aspect brings out our optimism and friendliness. This can be considered a “lazy” transit because it does not motivate us to act. But that is not a bad thing. We don’t have to be “on” at all times. This aspect not only wants us to stop and smell the roses, but it also wants us to give ourselves validation. If this aspect had a motto, it would be “good vibes only.”
What Are Oppositions?

Oppositions are formed when two celestial bodies create a 180° angle on the chart. It helps to think of these planets not wanting to talk to each other. This aspect is believed to bring out our volatility. It can be hard to find common ground with those around us under this placement, but not impossible. This aspect does not want us to revel in our defiance, it wants us to work extra hard to find harmony.
What Are Conjunctions?

Conjunction junction! How will we ever function? Conjunctions are formed when two celestial bodies are in the same sign. This could be a positive or a negative aspect. It all depends on if the planets in question have complementary energies. If the planets work well together, this can create a burst of positive energy. But if the planets don’t work well together, it can put us in a melancholy mood.