Here is our astrological forecast for November! The Sun and Venus are super busy this month. Mercury may be going retrograde but Neptune is moving direct out of retrograde! Click here to learn more about retrogrades, and follow this link to learn more about aspects and transits.
December 1st-3rd

Venus is Opposite Mars
Under this aspect, we feel passionate yet unsatisfied. We may experience hardships with our romantic partners. At this time, we may be tempted to be unfaithful. We are more concerned with ourselves rather than others.
Mercury is Square Neptune
Under this square, our heads are stuck in the clouds. We may feel like we have been knocked off balance. Our mental and emotional health may suffer. However, there is a positive side to this square. Because Neptune is at home in Pisces, our imagination flourishes at this time.
Venus is Sextile Saturn
Under this sextile, we are sincere and genuine with our words and actions. When these two celestial bodies work together, we do not feel the need to make grandiose declarations of love to the ones who mean the most to us. We are content with simple yet meaningful gestures.
Neptune Stations Direct
Neptune governs our dreams, spirituality, and imagination. During a Neptunian retrograde we awaken from our fantasies and see our reality for what it really is. But now that it is stationed direct, we see our reality for what it can be. We must take all that we have learned and apply it to our lives so that we may create the world that we want. This retrograde made us confront our traumas head-on. Now we must learn how we can heal from them. This is also a time for artistic expression. You can channel your wisdom and creativity through art, performance, and the written word.
December 4th-10th

Venus is Square Neptune
Under this square, we have a great amount of love for our family and partners. However, this love is coupled with feelings of jealousy, hypersensitivity, and mutability. Our need for independence coupled with our new erotic desires may attract new lovers. However, we may lose them as quickly as we attract them.
Mercury is Square Jupiter
At this time, we may not be taking the time to consider our actions. As we become more and more overwhelmed, it may be more difficult to keep promises to ourselves and to the ones we love. We may have to take a step back and reevaluate some things. Our views on work and self-care may need to be examined.
Mercury Moves Into Capricorn
Mercury rules our communication skills. And when it resides in no-nonsense Capricorn we are more logical in our thoughts and speech. We are able to concentrate and focus on business matters more easily. Though we may not be able to absorb information quickly, we will absorb it more thoroughly.
Sun is Opposite Mars
These heavenly bodies can make us feel wild and impulsive. We may take more risks than we usually do. It is important that we don’t overexert ourselves or act too aggressively at this time. We must learn to compromise under this opposition.
Venus is Square Jupiter
Under this square, we may be emotionally negligent with our romantic partners. Our carelessness can cause a rift with our family and our loved ones. This distance can increase feelings of depression and dissatisfaction. It may be beneficial to take some time for yourself to straighten out your thoughts.
Venus Moves Into Capricorn
Venus rules our devotion and romantic interests. When it resides in Capricorn, we are more reserved in our affections. We tend to view relationships as transactional and become upset when we do not receive the same praise that we have been doling out. If your feelings have become conditional, then it is time to re-examine those relationships.
December 11th-17th

Sun is Sextile Saturn
Now is the time to set our intentions and actively work towards them. It may not be easy to do so. We may need to seek guidance from a paternal figure.
Sun is Square Neptune
The sun and Neptune can cause us to suffer from delusions of grandeur at this time. Our need for escapism increases under this aspect. We may turn to harmful substances or unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with hardships. It is more important than ever to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health.
Mercury is Trine Uranus
When these earth signs work together, ideas sprout from our heads like daisies! At this time, we effortlessly develop a rapport with those around us. We also find creative solutions to any issues that plague us. At this time, we excel when we take the lead on a project at work.
December 18th-24th

Jupiter Moves Into Aries
Jupiter governs our luck and fortune. It also rules over our philosophical and spiritual views. When it resides in Aries, we are generous and sincere. It is easy for us to make friends at this time. We are eager to help others and to travel. Though we may be a bit overzealous at this time.
Sun Moves Into Capricorn (Winter Solstice)
The sun governs our energy and vitality. And when it resides in Capricorn, we hold ourselves accountable for our actions. We handle everything with a no-nonsense attitude. We may be a little self-important and vindictive at this time. But we are also protective and charismatic.
Sun is Square Jupiter
At this time, we may be overly concerned with our vanity. We may make extravagant choices in pursuit of feeling attractive and powerful. Under this square, we may find ourselves, if you’ll forgive the pun, squaring off with our superiors and authority figures. For lunch, we may need to eat a slice of humble pie.
Venus is Trine Uranus
Under this trine, we are open with our emotions and romantic proclivities. We yearn to make connections with people and do so easily. When these two earth signs work together in harmony, we have an enhanced desire for earthly delights. We want amusement, new experiences, and material possessions. Our taste can be quite luxurious. There is nothing wrong with wanting the finer things in life, as long as you remember to share these experiences with others.
Mercury is Sextile Neptune
This sextile gives us pure mental clarity. These planets inspire our creativity and whimsical endeavors. With these two celestial bodies working together in harmony, our imagination knows no bounds. We have a great appreciation and desire for art and the written word. Now is an ideal time to go to a museum, paint a portrait, or dabble in poetry. This innovative sextile will last for one day.
December 25th-31st

Venus is Sextile Neptune
Under this sextile, we are sincere and genuine with our words and actions. In this particular transit, we are charmed and satisfied with ourselves as well. Now is the time to give our minds some imaginative respite.
Mercury Stations Retrograde
During a mercurial retrograde, we can expect a slight breakdown in communication with this transit. This means texts can be misconstrued or emails may be skimmed rather than read thoroughly. This lack of communication can lead to disagreements with our loved ones and make us feel emotionally distanced from our partner. At this time, it is important that we make our words as clear as possible. If you are unsure what a text means, ask the sender to explain themselves. Now is not the time to beat around the bush.
Mercury is Conjunct Venus
Under this conjunction, we are sociable and polite. We cheerfully adapt to the needs of others and help them in any way we can. We feel inspired and imaginative. Now is a good time to go on dates.
Venus is Conjunct Pluto
Under this conjunction, we have an intense need for physical love and intimacy. However, it is important that we walk away from toxic relationships. We are eager to make money at this time. We may also feel artistically inspired.
All aspects mentioned here are calculated in Eastern Standard Time. For greater accuracy, convert to your own time zone.