Here is the astrological forecast for April! This month Mercury is not only going retrograde, but it is also forming a sextile with Mars twice. Read on to find out what these transits have onshore for you!
Click here to learn more about retrogrades, and follow this link to learn more about aspects and transits.
April 1st-7th

Mercury is in Taurus
Mercury rules out thought and communication. And when it moves into Taurus, we may not think quickly, but we do think methodically. Under this transit, we are more concerned with material matters rather than ethereal matters. We are practical at this time, and we don’t make idle chit-chat. We may be particularly judgemental at this time.
Mercury Is Sextile Saturn
Under this sextile, we are hardworking and meticulous. Saturn governs our discipline and responsibility so we are able to accomplish our tasks in careful and concise ways. We tend to ignore frivolous distractions and concentrate on the task at hand. Now is a great time to set our intentions and tackle our goals in a calm, methodical manner. Logic and diligence will bring success.
Venus Is Sextile Neptune
Under this sextile, we are sincere and genuine with our words and actions. Neptune rules our dreams and compassion, and in this particular transit, we are charmed and satisfied with ourselves as well. Now is the time to give our minds some imaginative respite.
April 8th-14th

Mercury is Sextile Mars
When Mercury forms a sextile with Mars in Cancer, we are brave and energetic. Mars rules out passion and willpower, so under this sextile, we may feel particularly outgoing and dedicated to fitness. It is easy for us to express ourselves at this time.
Venus is in Gemini
Venus rules our romantic inclinations and aesthetic tastes. When it resides in Gemini, we may find ourselves in a perpetual good mood. Any literary talent that has laid dormant within us can awaken and flourish at this time. We are able to communicate effectively with our significant others.
Venus Is Trine Pluto
Under this trine, we form friendships and make romantic connections with ease. We have a lust for life as well as a lust for others. Our cheerful disposition allows us to find beauty everywhere. This optimism can positively affect many facets of our life. At this time, it can prove beneficial to turn our admiration of beauty inwards. Pluto governs our ability to reinvent ourselves, so while we acknowledge the masterpieces around us, we need to recognize that we, too, are masterpieces.
The Sun is Conjunct Jupiter
The sun rules our energy and Jupiter rules our fortune, so when these two celestial bodies form a conjunction, the odds are in our favor. Under this aspect, we experience good luck, good finances, and good health. Just don’t get too cocky! We may spend our money a bit too frivolously at this time.
Venus Is Square Saturn
Under this opposition, we may get our hopes up and our hearts broken. Our own negative emotions, such as grief, jealousy, or apathy, can cause us to grow distant from our family and our loved ones. This distance can increase feelings of depression and dissatisfaction. It is important to take time to sit with our emotions before discussing them with those who are closest to us. Open and honest communication is the key to your disillusionment.
April 15th-21st

The Sun Moves Into Taurus
When the sun moves into Taurus, we are dedicated and goal-oriented. We have spent the last few months making plans and setting our intentions; now, it is time to set those plans in motion. We are approaching our objectives in a stable and level-headed manner. “Anything worth doing, is worth doing right,” is our mantra during this time. Under Taurus, we can be entertaining and friendly, but we can also be controlling and stubborn. It is important that we remain level-headed, and the best way to maintain that sensibility is to know when to lead and when to listen.
The Sun Is Square Pluto
Under this placement, we may feel reckless and severe. Practice caution today, especially if you plan on driving. Aggression and arrogance may make us feel like we are invincible, but we are not. Be safe out there, for your sake and for the sake of others.
Mercury Stations Retrograde
During a mercurial retrograde, we can expect a slight breakdown in communication with this transit. This means texts can be misconstrued or emails may be skimmed rather than read thoroughly. This lack of communication can lead to disagreements with our loved ones and make us feel emotionally distanced from our partner. At this time, it is important that we make our words as clear as possible. If you are unsure what a text means, ask the sender to explain themselves. Now is not the time to beat around the bush.
April 22nd- 28th

Mercury is Sextile Mars
To paraphrase Dr. Doofenshmirtz, if I had a nickel for every time Mercury formed a sextile with Mars in the month of April, I would have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice, right?
Sun is Sextile Saturn
Now is the time to set our intentions and actively work towards them. It may not be easy to do so. We may need to seek guidance from a paternal figure.
April 29th- 30th

Mars Is Sextile Uranus
This sextile gives us a lust for life and a desire for freedom. Uranus governs our innovation, so it can enhance the enthusiastic energy around us. Our heads are in the clouds, but our nose is to the grindstone. We have many newfangled ideas bouncing around in our heads, and we are determined to turn our dreams into realities.