Have you ever just wanted to look at a certain zodiac sign and ask “why are you the way you are?” I certainly have. Which is why I came up with 12 questions to ask each of the zodiac signs. Maybe you will find it helpful to ask yourselves these questions.
Don’t forget to check your moon and rising signs as well as your sun sign. If you don’t know your birth chart, you can check it here.

- What is truly angering you?
- Why are you so loyal to people who don’t deserve your loyalty?
- Where’s the fire? Meaning, why are you in such a hurry all of the time?
- What project are you working on right now?
- What ignites your passion?
- How many times have you angry-cried in the car this week?
- Why do you always question authority?
- When picking battles, why do you choose all of them?
- Who is your favorite comedian?
- Do you feel invalidated when people mistake your passion and concern for anger?
- Do you feel validated when people realize how sweet you are?
- Lastly, why are you so much fun to be around?

- Why are you so stubborn?
- What did you eat for lunch today?
- Why do you need to be in control of everything?
- Are you ever done crossing things off of your checklist?
- Do you ever do anything spontaneous?
- How are you simultaneously the most wholesome mom-friend and the most epicurean hedonist?
- How many times did you re-decorate your living space?
- What is your favorite meal to cook?
- Who is more lascivious — you, Libra, or Scorpio?
- Do you feel invalidated when people don’t acknowledge your effort?
- Do you feel validated when people follow your advice?
- Lastly, why are you so wonderfully fancy?

- Why are you so indecisive?
- What are you writing right now?
- Why do you hate making plans?
- Who is your favorite musician?
- Who is your favorite poet?
- What happened to make you feel so insecure?
- Have you ever wanted to collaborate on a project with Pisces?
- Shouldn’t you be writing right now?
- What is your favorite way to procrastinate?
- Do you feel invalidated when people mistake your optimism for a lack of intelligence?
- Do you feel validated when people take the time to read the things you write?
- Lastly, why are you always so effortlessly poetic?

- What mood are you in right now?
- Why are you so crabby?
- How did you feel about that last pun?
- Why are you so brave?
- Is there anything that scares you?
- What is your favorite movie?
- Who is your favorite actor?
- Why do you show so much compassion to everyone but yourself?
- Why do you think people can read your mind?
- Do you feel invalidated when people assume you think or feel a certain way rather than asking you?
- Do you feel validated when people take the time to check in with you?
- Lastly, why are you such a cute and compassionate little crab?

- Why are you so prideful?
- Has anyone told you that you look great today?
- Do you think you are more hot-headed or warm-hearted?
- What is your favorite musical?
- Are you going to a party?
- What outfit gives you the most confidence?
- Who would like to share your spotlight with?
- Do you have a message for your haters?
- Why do you go out of your way to help people?
- Do you feel invalidated when people mistake your self-confidence for selfishness?
- Do you feel validated when people acknowledge your intrinsically generous nature?
- Lastly, why are you so fabulous?

- Why are you so overly critical of those around you?
- Why are you so overly critical of yourself?
- What are you afraid of?
- Have you taken the time to relax today?
- Do you need a hug? If so, Pisces are the best huggers.
- Do you think you take on too many roles?
- Why do you never ask for help?
- What do you think will happen if you ask for help?
- What is your favorite restaurant?
- Do you feel invalidated when people don’t take your constructive criticism?
- Do you feel validated when people accept your help?
- Lastly, why are you so kind and loyal?

- Why are you so ambivalent?
- Why can you never choose a side?
- Did you remember to invite Leo to the party?
- Why are you such a people-pleaser?
- Why are you more adaptable than a mutable sign?
- What is making you feel resentful right now?
- Who is more lascivious — you, Taurus, or Scorpio?
- What is your favorite romantic comedy?
- What is your perfect date?
- Do you feel invalidated when people take advantage of your people-pleasing ways?
- Do you feel validated when people try to see your side of a situation?
- Lastly, why are you so romantic?

- Why are you so secretive?
- What is your deepest secret?
- Do you have any fun adventures planned?
- How are you not a fire sign? Seriously, you are like the water version of an Aries!
- Who is more lascivious — you, Taurus, or Libra?
- Why are you so dedicated to seeking revenge?
- Who are you envious of?
- Why are you such a good dancer?
- What are you passionate about?
- Do you feel invalidated when people don’t acknowledge your more tender emotions?
- Do you feel validated when people see you for the sweetheart you truly are?
- Lastly, why are you so sexy?

- Why are you so broody?
- Who is more talkative, you or Gemini?
- Who is your favorite philosopher?
- When is your next vacation?
- Where are you traveling to next?
- What was your favorite subject in school?
- Why do you like to interrupt people?
- Do you realize just how charitable you are?
- Who would you like to stay up all night talking to?
- Do you feel invalidated when people question your ambition?
- Do you feel validated when people acknowledge your intelligence?
- Lastly, why are you so entertaining?

- Why are you so bossy?
- Who or what are you trying to protect right now?
- Do you like your job?
- What is your dream job?
- Do you ever take time to indulge in your hobbies?
- Do you ever want to let loose and have some fun?
- Why do you think you have to solve everyone’s problems?
- Why do you take on more than you can handle?
- Where did you learn your exemplary leadership skills?
- Do you feel invalidated when people doubt your sincerity?
- Do you feel validated when people listen to your big ideas?
- Lastly, why are you so charismatic?

- Why are you so aloof?
- Can you astrally project? Seriously?
- When is your next protest?
- Who questions authority more, you or Aries?
- Why is the water bearer not a water sign? (There is actually an answer for that in this article. Scorpio should check out the article, too.)
- What book are you reading right now?
- Who is your favorite author?
- Do you ever wish someone would invite you to be part of the group?
- How can you be so standoffish but so caring and compassionate at the same time?
- Do you feel invalidated when people assume you are emotionless?
- Do you feel validated when people ask for your opinion?
- Lastly, why are you so intelligent?

- Why are you so apprehensive?
- What are you daydreaming about?
- What are you trying to escape from right now?
- Did you ask Sagittarius if they would invite you on their trip?
- What creative project are you working on right now?
- What is your favorite song?
- Is it hard for you to set boundaries with people?
- Who is a bigger people pleaser, you or Libra?
- Do you need a hug right now? Be honest.
- Do you feel invalidated when people assume you are naive?
- Do you feel validated when people acknowledge your emotional intelligence?
- Lastly, why are you so dreamy — in looks as well as in nature?

Ophiuchus is not a real zodiac sign. So they don’t get 12 questions. They only get two.
- Why do you insist that you are a real zodiac sign?
- Why are you hellbent and determined to make me a Pisces instead of an Aries? I mean, I know I’m a Pisces ascendant, but come on!