I started drinking coffee every day when I was 16 years old. And I mean every day. Rather than wake up 15 minutes before I was supposed to be at school like a normal teenager, I fancied myself an early riser. I’d shuffle to the kitchen, pour myself a hot cup of joe, and enjoy the sunrise. But did I mention half of my mug would be creamer? Because it was.
I didn’t start drinking my coffee black, or even with just a splash of milk. Nope, I essentially drank creamer with a splash of coffee. And, while the ratio has changed over the years (I now drink more coffee than creamer), I haven’t been able to kick the habit. In fact, I’ve never really tried.

That is, of course, until now. While I have no shame in my creamer game, I don’t love the fact I’m consuming that much sugar in the morning. Not to mention, black coffee is so much cheaper.
So, in an attempt to be healthier and more frugal, I decided I’d try to go five days drinking only black coffee. Here’s how I did:
Day 1
@heypumpkindaily Black coffee challenge: DAY 1 #coffee #blackcoffee #morningroutine #fypシ
♬ Will to Live – Jacob Yoffee
I woke up on the first day of this challenge really excited for my morning cup of coffee, made my way to the kitchen, and then realized I couldn’t have creamer. Needless to say, it brought down my mood real quick.
Despite the hard realization, I tried my best to stay positive. But, I’m going to be honest: I did not enjoy this cup of coffee at all. In fact, I nearly poured out half the mug because I didn’t like the taste that much.
However, I’m a civilized human being and understand the importance of not wasting caffeine, so I pretended it was a certain beverage you’re not allowed to have until you’re 21 years old and downed it.
Day 2
I thought Day 1 was going to be the toughest day, but Day 2 was somehow worse. I actually stayed in bed a few minutes longer because I wanted to delay the terrible taste in my mouth. But, despite my unease, I got up and made my boring cup of black coffee. I winced with every sip, but I made it through.
Day 3
@heypumpkindaily Black Coffee Challenge Day 3! #coffee #coffeeaddict #blackcoffee #morningroutine #fyp
♬ Bubble – Official Sound Studio
Breakthrough day! While I wouldn’t say I loved my experience this day, I also wouldn’t say I hated it. It was a passable, decent cup of coffee. And for Day 3 of this challenge, I’d say that’s a win!
Day 4
Coming off the heels of a pretty successful Day 3, Day 4 felt like much of the same. I definitely felt a lot better about it than I did four days earlier. I also didn’t find myself thinking so much about the fact I wasn’t able to drink creamer.
Day 5

The final day of the challenge! Day 5 was a happy day for many reasons, and not just because I knew I could go back to drinking coffee with creamer the next day. I hate to admit it, but I actually enjoyed my cup of black coffee this morning? I couldn’t believe it!
Now, I would never go so far as to say it was as good as the coffee I usually have, but I didn’t find myself cringing with every sip. My taste buds were definitely becoming more used to drinking coffee without creamer and I found myself appreciating the bitterness of black coffee.
@heypumpkindaily Black coffee challenge Day 5! ##coffee ##blackcoffee ##morningroutine
♬ I JUST FELL – Ian Bennett
Now, will I start drinking black coffee every day and completely forgo my creamer for good? The answer is no. However, I do like knowing that I can at least enjoy a cup of black coffee if I’m ever in a situation where creamer is not available. And for that reason alone, I’d consider this challenge to be a success!