The Best Fourth of July Snacks for Vegans and Vegetarians

This Fourth of July, step up your meatless barbecue game with these delicious and nutritious meat alternatives. Get ready to give your taste buds a treat! Don't forget to stick around for some dairy-free desserts, too.

The Fourth of July is all about hanging out with friends, family, and neighbors, swimming, playing games, and of course, barbecuing. Hamburgers, hot dogs, and ice cream are some of the biggest sellers when it comes to this holiday. That means that vegetarians, vegans, and folks with food allergies and restrictions might feel a little left out when everybody’s excited to grill out.

Luckily, there are so many delicious meat and dairy substitutes out there, barbecues are still for everyone. There’s no reason to spend this Fourth of July filling your plate with a few salad leaves, chips, and carrot sticks. Check out these awesome, meat-free alternatives to some of the most popular 4th of July staples instead.

Hamburger Alternatives


We’ve all heard of Impossible and Beyond meat, which were some of the earliest burger alternatives on the market. However, if those options haven’t been satisfying to you, you’ll be glad to know that tons of other companies are coming up with their own meatless patty recipes that shoppers are loving.

The Moving Mountains burger is one such new entry. This patty is full of nutritious plant protein and vitamin B12, promising to “fool even the most committed carnivores.” It’s also 100% plant-based and contains no added growth hormones or GMOs. Moving Mountains is also certified vegan. Consumers say this burger is as juicy and delicious as the real deal.

Hot Dog Alternatives


Looking for a meatless hot dog option that has more flavor and substance? Field Roast Frankfurters are a fantastic choice. Made with wheat gluten instead of soy–the typical ingredient found in meatless hot dogs–these franks are larger and heartier than what similar brands have to offer.

These hot dogs are also going to help you feel much more full. A single sausage contains about 20g of protein that will give you the energy to celebrate all day and night. Field Roast also makes sure to blend the ingredients with spices like garlic, caraway, paprika, and more to give the dogs a smokey and delicious flavor.

Ice Cream Alternatives


It’s hard to find vegan ice cream that actually tastes as good as the real thing. It’s even more difficult to find vegan ice cream that manages to maintain consistency and smoothness. But as we reach the halfway point of 2021, more and more vegan ice cream companies are daring us to try what they’ve come up with.

Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream now offers dairy-free options of their incredible and unique flavors. Jeni’s has always used high-quality ingredients, and their vegan line of ice cream is no different. The base is made of high-quality coconut cream that makes this treat feel and taste as good as regular ice cream.

There are plenty of other companies you can try, too: Van Leeuwen’s, Craig’s, Oatly, Steve’s–and even classic brands like Ben & Jerry’s and Tofutti’s–now offer vegan options.

Whether you’re an omnivore or a vegan, you deserve to spend the Fourth of July eating only the tastiest and filling barbecue delicacies. Celebrate the right way with these meat and dairy alternatives!

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