Sometimes, you don’t really need a big change to make a big difference.
In fact, small things can have a lot of impact. And those small things, like little daily habits, can be pretty easy to implement. Many of them can fit perfectly into our already-existing regular routines. We just have to keep up with them each day to make them effective!
Most of these small daily habits won’t take more than a few extra minutes a day, but they can really change a lot. You might not notice right away or anything, but after a little while, it can definitely give you a boost. You might even see great strides in personal improvement if you keep it up over the course of a year.
If you’re ready to make a few changes here and there, these small habits can really make a big difference in your daily life.
Start Each Day With a Plan

Being prepared and putting together a plan – even if it’s just a loose one – can make your day run much smoother. Thinking ahead will help you be more efficient. Set aside a certain time of day that you use to create these plans. You can do it the evening before or create your plan the morning of.
You definitely don’t have to plan every waking moment… unless that’s your thing. If it’s not, your plan can include writing a couple of big things that absolutely must be done, or it could be a quick to-do list that covers various things. Whatever you need to do to keep yourself on track all day long and help you be more productive!
Make Your Bed

Look, I know you don’t want to hear it. Many people don’t care about making their bed (I mean, who is even going to see it, right?), and even those who do make their beds probably don’t even think about how it could be making a difference. However, making your bed each morning can actually make a positive change in your daily life.
It may be a simple task, but it can help move you forward. That’s because this easy chore will be the first completed task of the day, leaving you with a sense of accomplishment and helping you to build momentum. And what better way to set the tone for the rest of the day? If you don’t believe me, ask a sailor or soldier why the military is religious about making beds.
Break Large Tasks Into Smaller Ones
Big, important tasks can seem difficult or overwhelming. It’s hard to get things done when the finish is so far away from the start. You might have a hard time imagining how you will get from point A to point B.
It is much easier to complete a series of small tasks than it is to finish a gigantic one. This is especially true if you have poor time management skills!
Instead of looking at it as one big task, try breaking it up into smaller ones. Look at the big picture, and think about the logical order of completing it. Which steps need to happen in order to get it done? Those steps are now your tasks. Create a timeline for completing those smaller tasks because giving yourself a deadline will make you more focused on getting them done. You will get a sense of accomplishment each time you check off one of the tasks, helping to further your momentum.
Have a Cup of Tea

Yep, having a cup of tea is a small daily habit that can make a big difference. That cup can actually help in more than one way.
The most obvious way, of course, is that many varieties of tea can help with stress. There is a reason why these teas have been used throughout history to relieve stress, promote more restful sleep, combat anxiety, and encourage relaxation. It’s worth noting that teas do this without making you feel drowsy, like some medications might.
Having a daily cup of tea can also have another benefit: it creates a routine of slowing down, even if it is just for a moment. While it might seem counterproductive, taking regular breaks will actually increase productivity and efficiency throughout the day. So take a few moments to yourself to enjoy that tea.
Related: You Need These Five Stress-Busting Teas in Your Life
Put Things Away When You Are Done With Them
I feel personally attacked by this one.

As soon as you are done with something… Put. It. Away. Don’t put it down and tell yourself you’ll come right back to it. You and I both know better than to think we’re ever going to “come right back” after we walk away. And then, you find yourself overwhelmed by a big ol’ mess by the end of the day or the end of the week. All those things you were going to come back to end up in mounds of clutter all over the house.
You have to get ahead of yourself rather than letting it pile up. This is a really hard habit to instill in yourself, but it’s one of the best ones you can have. It will help you save yourself the trouble of spending significant amounts of time cleaning and decluttering.
Eat Breakfast

Are you one of those people who skip breakfast? If so, it’s time to change that! Eating breakfast is a seemingly simple, kind of insignificant task to some. But in reality, eating a healthy breakfast is something that can really change your entire day – and potentially your entire life!
Whether or not breakfast is the “most important meal of the day,” I don’t know. That was apparently an ad slogan developed by General Foods to sell cereals.
However, I can tell you that breakfast is generally important to our bodies. Skipping breakfast can cause your blood sugar levels to drop, which will, in turn, affect your mood and your cognitive function. In other words, you’ll have a hard time using your brain, and you’ll be a pain in the butt.
In the long term, regularly skipping breakfast may lead to weight gain. Over the years, studies have shown that folks who don’t eat breakfast are more than four times as likely to be obese. Skipping breakfast slows your metabolism down. No breakfast also leads to that ravenous feeling and sugar cravings, making unhealthy choices much more likely.
Do Something Nice for Someone Each Day
Sometimes, we don’t have to be doing things for ourselves to make ourselves feel good. Case in point: doing nice things for other people has been proven to make us feel better. Being kind and compassionate can help you reduce stress, improve your emotional wellbeing, and make you a generally happier person.
Yep, being kind to other people makes both them and you happy! You don’t even have to have money. You can give time or energy. It can even just be saying thank you or giving a word of encouragement.
Take Time to Stretch

Not all of us have the time (or motivation, if I’m being honest) to be one of those fit people who go for a run first thing in the morning or hit the gym for some heavy lifting. Even still, you should get up and move for at least a little bit each day.
Set aside a small block of time to do some stretches each day, preferably in the morning, to get your blood flowing. It doesn’t have to be a complicated yoga routine or anything; just do what you can to help your body loosen up and feel good. This is especially important if you sit at a desk all day and it’s making you feel stiff!
Get Ready for Tomorrow Before You Go to Bed the Night Before
Just a few minutes before bed can make a world of difference the next morning. I know I sound like a self-help book here, but it’s really true. Much like starting the day with a plan (like I mentioned above), taking time to get yourself generally ready for the next day is one of the best things you can do for Future You.
Think about your morning routine. Are you hitting the snooze button several times, causing you to have to rush out the door in wrinkled clothes without breakfast, and then getting irritated with rush-hour traffic because you’re running late? A stressful morning routine can be the first step toward ruining your day, so get ahead of it.
What you do to get ready for tomorrow will depend on your personal situation, but the general idea is the same. Pick out your outfit, and iron it if necessary. Set out anything you need to take with you to the office. Figure out what you’re going to have for breakfast, and if possible, pick something you can make ahead of time, like overnight oats.