Working from home is temporary for some, but there’s no question it was a growing trend prior to COVID-19. With the emergence of Zoom and other communication platforms, more companies are allowing their employees to telecommute.
While there are so many benefits to the WFH life — like the ability to work from anywhere and not having to commute — it does bring along its share of struggles.

It’s challenging to stay productive when you don’t have a boss looming over your shoulder (figuratively speaking, of course) or co-workers to keep you on track. Not to mention, it can be very distracting to spend your entire workday inside your home (trust me, I know).
Though it’s tempting to work from the comfort of your couch or your bed, you’ll be the most productive if you create an optimal workspace.
Here are the home office essentials you need to improve your WFH productivity:
Comfortable Chair
First thing’s first — make sure you’re working in an actual chair. Sure, it may seem more comfortable to work in your bed or couch, but I guarantee you won’t be nearly as productive as you would be sitting in a chair.
Finding a comfortable desk chair is extremely important, as you’ll probably be spending most of your day in it.
A Designated Desk

If you’re going to be working from home for the foreseeable future, invest in an office desk.
Though many of us don’t have the luxury of space inside our homes or apartments, it does make a difference to have a desk that is solely for work.
If you don’t have space and have to work at your kitchen table, try to section off a part of the table that is just for work. It’s important to create a designated work zone, as it will a subconscious reminder to stay on task.
Computer Stand
Let me tell you first hand, a computer stand makes the world of a difference. They keep you from hunching down to look at your computer all-day. Trust me, your shoulders and neck will thank you in the future.
Two Monitors

For those looking to take their WFH game up to the next level, it’s time to invest in another monitor. There’s something very official about being able to work with your laptop on one side and a large monitor on the other.
This will help you to stay organized and see everything you’re working on at once. For example, many people like to keep their Slack channel up on one screen and their projects on the other.
Personal Items
In order to really create an optimal workspace, set up personal items on your desk. Grab a nice smelling candle, a desk plant, pictures of loved ones, or even inspirational quotes or sayings.
Having these items around you may not seem like much, but they’ll keep your spirits high and create a space that is inviting.
Good Snacks
Do yourself a favor and invest in good snacks, yummy drinks, and anything else you may want to indulge in throughout the day.
When I used to work in an office I always loved munching on the yummy snacks they offered or being able to grab sparkling water from the communal fridge, so give yourself that gift at home! It’ll bring you a little bit of joy and help to keep you chugging along throughout the workday.