Break out your copies of Twilight, because there is going to be a New Moon. That is officially the worst joke that I have written in 2022.
Mercury is stationing direct this week, but we can’t give it all the attention. The moon is also having a very busy week! Our lunar guardian is going to be shrouded in darkness as it turns into a new moon while simultaneously jumping from Aquarius, to Pisces, to Aries all in the span of five days. Read on to find out what these transits have in store for you.
Related: Astrology 101: What Does Your Moon Sign Say About You?
Monday, January 31

Early this morning, the moon moves into Aquarius. This moon is all about revolution and revelry. At this time, we feel particularly close to our loved ones and community. We are quick to offer an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on. We are passionate about social events and social causes. Under lunar Aquarius, we are driven to entertain as well as be entertained. We are also driven to be compassionate.
Around breakfast time, the moon forms a square with Uranus in Taurus. Our moods and situations may change drastically, causing us to feel derailed. Our sensuality may prove to be a bit too intense or strained, causing us to alienate our partners. The isolation and irritability may create a desire for self-destructive tendencies but we must avoid the urge.
Tuesday, February 1

Right after midnight, the sun in Aquarius forms a conjunction with the moon, also in Aquarius, creating an unpredictable new moon. This new moon may cause friction with our loved ones — though the relationships may be saved if we get in touch with our empathy and sensitivity. At this time, it may be beneficial to find some quiet solitude. We may find peace in meditation. Or it may be wise to take a personal day.
As the sun begins to rise, the moon in Aquarius forms a conjunction with Saturn, also in Aquarius. The irritable energy from earlier might intensify under this conjunction, and that could make us feel depressed and introverted. It may be hard to communicate with our loved ones, which could lead us to feel unsatisfied or unfulfilled in our relationships. We may also feel particularly isolated from an authoritative feminine figure. It might be difficult, but you may find it beneficial to reach out to a close confidant, a spiritual leader, or a therapist.
Wednesday, February 2

Early this morning, the moon moves into Pisces. Under this moon, we may feel a little reserved and sensitive. Though we may appear passive, our imaginations are active and running wild. A Pisces moon can bring about intense and vivid dreams. Meditation and self-reflection should be one of our top priorities. It may be healthy to take a step back from the outside world, and look inside of ourselves. Try to nurture and listen to your inner self.
Later, the moon in Pisces forms a strong sextile with Mars in Capricorn. Under this sextile we feel like we can take on anything. We handle our issues in a practical way and have the courage to face situations that once intimidated us. We feel very open at this time and value honesty in ourselves as well as others.
Around dinner time, the moon in optimistic Pisces forms a fiscally-favorable conjunction with Jupiter, who is also in Pisces. Under this conjunction, we start to feel as though we can trust our instincts. We are flourishing thanks to a wholesome work-life balance. Our relationships with our family, friends, and significant others are healthy and thriving.
We do not feel burdened financially. We are stable and secure. This security allows us to indulge in artistic past times. Take time to practice a hobby that brings you joy.
Thursday, February 3

While we sleep, the moon in Pisces forms a sextile with Uranus in dedicated Taurus. This sextile can grant us ambition and a can-do attitude. This puts us in the mood to help out with projects, both at work and at home. Thanks to our pragmatic sensibilities, we are able to persuade others easily to our way of thinking. We also may have a great desire to travel at this time. It could be time to plan a small getaway or take a day trip.
A little later, the moon in Pisces forms a harmonious sextile with Venus who is at home in Capricorn. This is a truly delightful constellation to exist under. This sextile fills our lives with love and balance. We feel content and non-confrontational. Now is a wonderful time to consider starting a family or becoming active in your community.
In the early evening, the moon in Pisces forms a conjunction with Neptune who is also in Pisces. This placement has us feeling hypersensitive and secretive. We may feel a great deal of social anxiety. We may also feel the need to once again, withdraw ourselves. It is okay if you need to self-isolate to recharge your social batteries.
Friday, February 4

Just minutes after midnight, the moon in Pisces forms a sextile with Mercury in Capricorn. This sextile is expanding our minds. Our awareness and self-reliance help us to keep a level head and open mind when confronted with a tense situation.
A few hours later, the moon in Pisces forms a sextile with Pluto in Capricorn. Under this sweet sextile our sentimentality is reenergized. We look back on certain memories with happiness and gratitude and have a strong desire for adventure. Our nostalgia and our enthusiasm come together to create a sense of wanderlust within us. We are eager to travel. Try visiting a place that you have fond memories of. A fun journey combined with a pleasant destination can raise your already elevated spirits.
Around breakfast time, the moon moves into vivacious Aries. This moon reinvigorates our confidence and perseverance. We enthusiastically tackle projects both old and new, easy and difficult. We are equal parts spontaneous and sensible. Though on the surface we may demonstrate a devil-may-care attitude, we have a sharp mind and keen senses.