Tattoos were once considered taboo or scandalous in Western culture. But now it seems like almost everyone has at least one tattoo or is considering getting a tattoo.
But what if you want a tattoo, but you don’t know what kind of tattoo you want? Today, we are going to be pairing the zodiac signs with their ideal tattoos.
Don’t forget to check your moon and rising signs as well as your sun signs. You can check your birth chart here.
Aries- Swords and Hearts

Aries are the warriors of the zodiac. And every good warrior needs a sword. I can see the cardinal fire sign rocking a sword tattoo on their forearm or bicep. I think they would also look great with a dagger on their calf or thigh.
Aries are also known to think with their heart instead of their head. So they can’t go wrong with a heart tattoo. The heart could be ornate and photorealistic or simple and understated. They could also combine the two images and get a tattoo of a sword piercing a heart if they are feeling particularly edgy.
Taurus- Flowers and Tea Cups

Taureans are earth signs whose season falls right in the middle of the spring. I can see them decorating their skin with lovely floral images. They would look fantastic with a single red rose tattooed somewhere on their person, or they could decorate their whole body and look like a garden.
Taureans also love to be surrounded by their creature comforts. They love to feel cozy, and they love to make others feel cozy. And nothing makes the fixed earth sign feel cozier than a nice cup of tea. I think a teacup tattoo would look chic on the wholesome sign.
Gemini- Quotes and Book References

Geminis are the wordsmith of the zodiac. Since they are one of the most verbally expressive signs, it only makes sense that they express themselves by tattooing themselves with. their favorite film/literary/song quote.
But if they would rather have an image instead of a quote, they can pick a tattoo that depicts a character or situation from their favorite book. They could also get a tattoo of a book or a quill pen.
Cancer- Moons and Ocean Imagery

Did you know that Cancers are called moonchildren? That is because Cancerians are ruled by the moon. So I think they would look fantastic with a tattoo of their ruling celestial body. They could get a minimalist half-moon tattoo. Or they could get something more fabulous and ornate.
They are cardinal water signs, and their minds tend to be as deep and mysterious as the sea itself. So they may love a tattoo of a wave or a fish. They could probably rock a classic mermaid tattoo.
Leo- Portraits of Movie Stars and Fiery Imagery

Leos are known to be quite theatrical. Since they are ruled by a giant star, they strive to be giant stars themselves. So it only makes sense for them to get portrait tattoos of movie stars. Fun fact, though she has since had it removed, lunar Leo Megan Fox used to have a Marilyn Monroe tattooed on her arm.
Leos are also fixed fire signs, so they would look excellent with vibrant flame tattoos.
Virgo- Mammals and Reptiles

Virgos are naturally helpful and kind-hearted. They have a deep love and respect for all living things. They can honor their kind nature by getting a tattoo of their favorite mammal or an animal that they feel represents them, like a dog or tattoo.
Virgos are mutable earth signs, so if they do get an animal tattoo, they may consider choosing an animal that is truly at one with the earth, like a snake or lizard. I know a Virgo who has a dinosaur tattooed on their thigh.
Libra- Butterflies and Birds

Libras are social butterflies, so of course, I think they would look great with a butterfly tattoo. And I know there are a lot of people who think butterfly tattoos are overdone. But butterflies are beautiful and badass! Did you know that they’re carnivorous scavengers who eat the flesh of dead animals? Like Libras, they are the perfect balance of beautiful and deadly!
Libras are cardinal air signs, so it only makes sense to pair them with a tattoo of a bird, an animal that spends most of its time in the air.
Scorpio- Monsters and Halloween Imagery

Scorpios are ruled by Pluto, the planet of creation and destruction. They are also ruled by Mars, the planet that governs our willpower. And since they are ruled by two of the most formidable planets in our solar system, is it any wonder why they never seem to be afraid of anything? I’m sure they would be afraid to get a monster or cryptid tattooed somewhere on their person. My vote is for Mothman.
Halloween falls right at the beginning of Scorpio season, so the fixed water sign has to get a spooky tattoo. If they are feeling particularly edgy, they can get a portrait of Freddy Krueger or Jason Vorhees. If they want something a bit cuter, they can get a jack-o-lantern or a black cat.
Sagittarius- Maps, Compass Roses, and Religious Imagery

Sagittarians are driven by their insatiable wanderlust. They love to expand their horizons and travel to places that they have never been to before. They can express that wanderlust by getting a tattoo of a map or a compass rose.
Sagittarians are also known to have a deep love of philosophy and metaphysical studies. The mutable fire sign likes you to expand their minds as well as their horizons. If they are spiritual or religious, they can get a tattoo of their favorite iconography.
Capricorn- Gemstones and Scenery

Capricorns have a deep love of beautiful, valuable things. I can see them adorning themselves with several tattoos of vibrantly colored gemstones. Heck, if they got enough diamond tattoos, they wouldn’t need to buy jewelry.
Capricorns are cardinal earth signs, which means that they are endowed with a great love and respect for the land and the earth. So they could probably rock an elaborate tattoo depicting a scene from nature like a mountain.
Aquarius- Aliens and Cosmic Imagery

People often compare Aquarians to aliens. But Aquarians don’t mind because they know that they are out of this world. They can poke fun at the idea that they are aliens by getting a little green space traveler tattoo. Or if they want something scarier, they can get a face-hugger tattoo inspired by the film Alien.
The fixed air sign can be quite the star-gazer. They love gazing into the night sky, wondering what could be out there. They would look awesome with a planetary or astral tattoo.
Pisces- Mythical Creatures and Witchy Stuff

Pisces have fantastic imaginations. The mutable water signs love learning about fairytales and folklore. They could honor that love with a tattoo of a fantastical creature. They could get whimsical fairy wings tattooed on their back. Or they could get a quirky Bigfoot tattoo.
It is believed that anyone who has Pisces in a prominent place in their birth chart has psychic abilities. They may even consider themselves to be a tad bit witchy. They express that part of themselves with a tattoo of witches or perhaps lyrics from a Stevie Nicks song.
Ophiuchus- A Sticker

Ophiuchus is not a real zodiac sign, so they do not get a real tattoo. But they can have a sticker.