We are addicted to these signs, but we know that they’re toxic! Could not resist the Britney reference!
I often try to focus on the positive aspects of the zodiac signs. I don’t like to say “all Capricorns are this way” or “all Sagittarians are that way.” There are differences between an emotionally mature *insert sign here* and an immature *insert sign here.*
But all of us are a little toxic sometimes. And today I’m shedding light on some common toxic traits exhibited by these signs. But I am in no way saying these signs act this way all of the time or even most of the time.
Don’t forget to check your moon and rising as well as your sun for triple the toxicity.
Aries – Wrathful

Aries show their love intensely. And when someone they love and are loyal to hurts them, they get angry. Extremely angry. Even if they have the longest fuse in the world, once it’s lit, it is only a matter of time before they explode. They have a tendency to always keep an insult in their back pocket for every person they meet. And when they get hurt they will whip that insult out quick as lightning.
Aries, when you want to say something particularly devastating, remember these words “you can always say it later, but you can’t take it back.”
Taurus – Controlling

Taurus can be the quintessential mom-friend. But sometimes this mom-friend is overwhelmed with the need to control everything. It can stem from their anxiety and their fear of losing someone or the life they love and are comfortable with. They tend to insert themselves into situations because they think they can fix everything. They are “fixed” signs after all.
Taurus, your dedication to peace and order is admirable. But sometimes you have to let other people figure themselves out. If you insert yourself into their decisions, they may grow to resent you.
Gemini – Two-Faced

You might read this section and think I’m just playing on the fact that Gemini is represented by The Twins. But it’s deeper than that. The mutable air signs’ dualistic and loquacious nature can make them come off as insincere gossip mongers. It stems from an overwhelming need to be liked, which is understandable. But it can still leave your loved ones feeling betrayed.
Gemini, as cliche as it sounds, you need to say what you mean and mean what you say.
Cancer – Manipulative

Cancers are empathetic and they understand people quite well. And this insight can make it easy for them to manipulate those around them. Just as water erodes a stone, the cardinal sign tries to shape those around them and get them to conform to what they believe. They are not Machiavellian in the way they sway others. They generally believe that they are helping by “guiding” their loved ones.
Cancer, I know you think you are helping. But like Taurus, you need to let others think for themselves.
Leo – Conceited

Sorry Leos, you knew this was coming. Someone as bombastic and theatrical as the fixed fire sign is bound to be a little bit full of themselves. Though Leos have a warm and generous heart, they can sometimes be myopic in the pursuit of their personal ambitions and very proud of their own accomplishments. This pride can cause them to not give credit where it’s due.
Leo, there is nothing wrong with being proud of your accomplishments, but don’t forget to be proud of other people as well.
Virgo – Overly-Critical

Virgo is known for their helpful nature. But sometimes they think tough love is the best way to help someone. Sometimes tough love can be beneficial. But if used too much in times of distress it can come off as bullying. And sometimes when someone is overly-critical in their pursuit of assistance, the person they are trying to help will just shut them out.
Virgo, love does not always have to be tough. A little tenderness can go a long way.
Libra – Ambivalent

Libras value peace and harmony above all else. This is why they have a tendency to “both sides” an argument when acting as a mediator or voice of reason. It’s good to see all sides of a situation, and sometimes both sides can be equally right or wrong. But by equivocating you can invalidate what the wronged party has had to go through. As Desmond Tutu once said “if you are neutral in situations of injustice you have chosen the side of the oppressor.”
Libra, in your ongoing pursuit of justice, sometimes you have to take sides.
Scorpio – Secretive

Keeping your private life private is not necessarily a toxic trait. But there is a fine line between being unwilling to disclose personal details and purposefully withholding information, and Scorpios like to flirt with that line. Sometimes, in their quest to keep secrets they can resort to subtle gaslighting. But to their credit, this gaslighting is not always intentional.
Scorpio, not everyone needs to know everything about your life, but open and honest communication is important for platonic and romantic relationships.
Sagittarius – Fight AND Flight

Fight and flight tendencies are not necessarily toxic traits; they are trauma responses. However, Sagittarians can utilize both responses when they find themselves in an argument. They will lash out and explode, and before the other party can respond or defend themselves the mutable fire sign will quickly leave the situation, ensuring that they have the last word.
Sagittarius, don’t dish it out if you can’t take it. If you get to say your piece, the person who you are arguing with does as well.
Capricorn – Patronizing

Capricorns are intelligent, hard-working leaders. And sometimes they have the ability to believe their own hype. They often believe that their way, and only their way, is the best way. Any deviation from what they believe to be right is seen as weaker or lesser and they can make these opinions known in subtle yet condescending ways.
Capricorn, it never hurts to get someone else’s feedback or opinion. You can learn a lot by trying to understand other methods and motivations.
Aquarius – Aloof

Aquarians are the masters of overthinking. They get maligned as emotionless but that’s not true. They have a million thoughts and emotions jumping around in their head. But the plethora of feelings can overwhelm them and cause them to shut down. Sometimes it’s easier just to turn their emotions off. But this detachment can end up hurting the ones they love.
Aquarius, ignoring your heavier emotions won’t make them go away. It will just create more negative emotions.
Pisces – Escapist

Sagittarius and Pisces share a ruling planet (Jupiter is technically Pisces’ ancient ruling planet) so I guess it’s understandable that their toxic traits are similar. However, Pisces is all flight and very little fight. Rather than working through their problems or struggles, they would prefer a dramatic escape. When times get tough, running away is always a tempting option for them.
Pisces, when you try to run away remember that problems may follow you no matter where you go.
Ophiuchus – Ghosting
Ophiuchus is super good at ghosting because they don’t exist.