Welcome to Tarot Tuesday!
Each Tuesday I will be pulling a card from my grandmother’s tarot deck and writing about what the card could mean for the signs, broken up by element. The elements of the zodiac are Fire (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius), Earth (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn), Air (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius), and Water (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces).
I may pull a card from the major arcana, representing our inner wisdom. Or I may pull a suit card, representing outside influences. I may even pull a court card signifying a specific person in your life. This card can help you set your intention for the rest of the week or it can provide a visualization of your current situation. Don’t forget to check your moon and rising signs as well as your sun sign. You can check your birth chart here.
And just to mention a funny little happenstance, I pulled a card that I have already pulled and written about. Well, actually I pulled three cards that I have written about already before pulling a fourth card. I’m writing about the fourth card I pulled today, but if you wish to read about the Two of Pentacles card, the Queen of Pentacles card, or the Nine of Pentacles card, you can do so by following the links.
Yeah, I pulled a lot of pentacle cards today. Pentacles are connected to earth signs, so I guess the cards were really trying to reach the earth signs today.
The Tower

This week I pulled The Tower, the card of liberation. This is the card of change. This card belongs to the Major Arcana and it is believed that Major cards hold deeper and more specific meanings.
In my grandmother’s tarot deck, this card is often depicted as a tall gray tower on top of a rocky crag being struck by lightning on a dark and stormy night. A large golden crown falls from the top of the tower as two people, one of them a perceived king or queen, are thrown to the ground.
A lot of people associate this card with chaos. But this card can also represent unshackling yourself from a bad situation. It can also represent an end to certain restrictions. When this card pops up in a reading, it can mean that it is time to break free from a situation that is holding you back. It illustrates our need for adventure and freedom.
True, this card can represent chaos. But it represents the chaos that can set us free. Sometimes we must destroy our old life to begin our new life. I mean think about it. Who wants to be trapped in a cold, gray tower for the rest of their life?
What This Card Means For Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

Fire signs are ruled by their passion and drive. The Tower card speaks to your need for freedom from oppressive situations.
Aries, your sign is particularly connected to this card. The Tower card wants you to free yourself from negative thoughts. Now may be a good time to talk to a mental health professional.
Leo, this card wants you to do what you can to help yourself and others stand up to people and institutions who wish to subjugate you.
Sagittarius, this card wants you to demand the proper work/life balance that you deserve, even if it means leaving your job for one that won’t overwork you.
What This Card Means For Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

Earth signs are ruled by their dedication and desire. The Tower card speaks to your need for a better work environment.
Taurus, this card wants you to keep an open mind when presented with a legitimate money-making opportunity. But steer clear of pyramid schemes.
Virgo, this card wants you to find a workplace where you can thrive. Don’t settle for a place where you are merely tolerated. Go where you are celebrated.
Capricorn, this card does not want you to risk your mental, emotional, and physical health for a job that doesn’t care about your well-being.
What This Card Means For Air Signs (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra)

Air signs are ruled by their compassion and independence. The Tower card speaks to your need for liberty and self-expression.
Aquarius, this card wants you to shed the “you” that you had to create just to survive. It’s time to express yourself the way you want and live the life you want to live.
Gemini, this card wants you to speak your mind. It is time to voice your concerns and set your boundaries. If some people don’t like it, then you don’t need them in your life.
Libra, it is time for a change of scenery. This card wants you to move to your dream city or take that trip that you have always wanted to take.
What This Card Means For Water Signs (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio)

Water signs are ruled by their empathy and imagination. The Tower card speaks to your need to free yourself from negative influences.
Pisces, this card wants you to take comfort in your chosen family. Don’t feel bad if you have to distance yourself from toxic friends or family members.
Cancer, like Aries, you may want to contact a mental health professional. This card wants you to heal your inner self.
Scorpio, your sign is particularly connected to this card, and it wants you to actively banish negative influences from your life and work towards your own joy.
Tune in next week for another Tuesday Tarot Pull! My wonderful editor told me that this song has great Tower energy!