Tarot Tuesday, March 28: The Seven of Cups

a woman reading tarot cards with a glass of wine
Read on to find out what the Seven of Cups has in store for you!

Welcome to Tarot Tuesday!

Each Tuesday I will be pulling a card from my grandmother’s tarot deck and writing about what the card could mean for the signs, broken up by element. The elements of the zodiac are Fire (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius), Earth (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn), Air (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius), and Water (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces). I may pull cards that I have pulled before, but that doesn’t mean that the individual sign readings will be the same as before. The readings will also correlate with which sign the moon is in currently and which houses the signs and presently reside in. This week the moon is in Cancer

I may pull a card from the major arcana, representing our inner wisdom. Or I may pull a suit card, representing outside influences. I may even pull a court card signifying a specific person in your life. This card can help you set your intention for the rest of the week or it can provide a visualization of your current situation. Don’t forget to check your moon and rising signs as well as your sun signs. You can check your birth chart placements here. 

The Seven of Cups

the seven of cups under a deck of cards
Shea Lee

This week I drew the Seven of Cups, the card of opportunity and self-confidence. In tarot, the number seven represents spirituality, wisdom, mystique, or deception. It symbolizes the need to wait until one is ready to move forward. It can also represent healing and/or psychic abilities. 

Cups are the suit of romance and emotion. This suit can represent all stages of love, whether it be new, unrequited, or long-standing. When a cup card comes up in a reading it can mean that we must make a decision based on emotion rather than logic. This suit reminds us that it is okay to listen to our hearts rather than our heads sometimes.

In my grandmother’s deck, the card is depicted as a shadowy figure standing in front of a large gray cloud. In the cloud, there are seven golden cups. One cup holds a seemingly translucent face. Another cup holds a shrouded statue with outstretched arms and surrounded by a glowing red light. The other five cups hold a yellow snake, a small blue castle, colorful jewels, a blue dragon, and a laurel wreath. 

Though the card’s image may vary from deck to deck, the meaning is often the same. The Seven of Cups represents opportunities in your career or in your romantic relationships. But the opportunities involve you having to make a difficult choice. This card wants you to know that it is okay to think with your heart rather than your head, when

The Seven of Cups can signify that you are overthinking a relationship and you may be assuming the worst about a prospective love interest. This card does not want you to jump to conclusions. 

What This Card Means For Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

a couple is cuddled up in a chair

Fire signs are ruled by their passion and drive. The Seven of Cups speaks to your need to live a life that makes you feel happy and emotionally secure.

Aries, this card wants you to reach out to any loved ones who you may be at odds with. Try to understand their perspective before jumping to conclusions.

Leo, you may have been living the dreams that others had for you. This card wants you to listen to your inner child and follow your own dreams.

Sagittarius, this card wants you to make a difficult decision. You can stay where you are or you can reinvent yourself and live how you have always wanted to live.

What This Card Means For Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

couple having a meaningful conversation

Earth signs are ruled by their dedication and desire. The Seven of Cups speaks to your desire to help and communicate with others.

Taurus,  this card wants you to keep the lines of communication open with a loved one or significant other. Try not to assume the worst of them.

Virgo, if an opportunity arises for a position or career that will allow you to give back to the community, this card wants you to take it.

Capricorn,  this card wants you to communicate with your partner. If you are single, don’t automatically assume that a prospective partner doesn’t like you back.

What This Card Means For Air Signs (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra)

colleagues riding of swivel chairs

Air signs are ruled by their compassion and independence. The Seven of Cups speaks to your desire to pursue the career of your dreams.

Aquarius, this card wants you to focus on your personal passion projects. They may lead to a fruitful and fulfilling career.

Gemini, this card wants you to pursue a career that makes you happy. But it is important to consider your finances when choosing that career.

Libra, this card wants you to carefully consider your career. Is this your dream job? Is there something better for you out there?

What This Card Means For Water Signs (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio)

an artist painting on a canvas

Water signs are ruled by their empathy and imagination. This card may hold more significance for you because the Cups are the suit of water. The Seven of Cups speaks to your need to follow your heart and indulge in your desires.

Pisces, this card wants you to express yourself in the most unapologetic ways possible. Don’t let others stifle you.

Cancer, this card wants you to stop letting people make decisions for you. You are capable of making decisions for yourself.

Scorpio, you may be in a situation where you are spoiled for choice. When making a decision, go with your heart and don’t regret your choice.

Tune in next week for another Tuesday Tarot Pull! In the meantime, let’s honor the Seven of Cups by reminding ourselves that no one is allowed to rain on our parade!


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