We all have our preconceived notions about certain zodiac signs. I mean, I write articles based on some of these notions. Some of the conceptions are so deeply ingrained in us that we end up treating people a certain way. I have had people physically and deliberately walk away from me when they learn that I’m an Aries. (We are nice, I promise!)
Are these beliefs warranted? There must be a kernel of truth to them, right? Well, let’s discuss it.
Today, we are going to talk about stereotypes most commonly attributed to Libras. Are they indecisive fence-sitters who will do anything to keep the status quo? Or do they strive to achieve peace through justice? As Avatar Kyoshi once said, “only justice can bring peace.” (Yes, I did reference Avatar: The Last Airbender, you’re welcome.)
We are right in the middle of Libra season, so let us dive a little deeper and see what makes these diplomatic darlings tick. And if your sun, moon, or rising sign is in Libra, then this is the article for you! If you do not know your birth chart, you can check it here.
This article is dedicated to the memory of my favorite Libra, my father, who would have been 67 years old next Tuesday. He was my best buddy and a true social butterfly.
Libra: The Peace-Keeper of the Zodiac

You remember that person in high school who was not really one of the “popular” kids, yet they were friends with everyone? That person was probably a Libra, or at the very least had Libra somewhere in their chart. Libras are cardinal signs, so they are natural trendsetters, which may account for their popularity. They have the innate ability to get along with almost everyone. And they use this ability to keep the peace.
When you picture a Libra in your mind, you may see a laid-back person who would rather rest and listen to their favorite album than go out and party. But that does not mean that they can’t party. On the contrary, sometimes they are the life of the party. Libras are incredibly sociable and capable of finding common ground with anyone. In fact, it helps to think of them as social butterflies. They are ruled by Venus, the planet that governs our adoration, our aesthetic tastes, and our sensuality — and because of this, they can be excellent friends and even better lovers.
However, if the butterfly’s proverbial battery runs out and they don’t have time to recharge, they can feel emotionally shut off. Mental overload can sometimes prove too much for their wings to carry, and they can become resentful or lash out.
Sometimes Libras need to rest in their cocoons before they can take flight. Read on and learn how these butterflies maintain a balance between their personable natures and their personal needs.
Libra at Work

Libras are air signs, and air signs are great at working with the general public. Yes, even Aquarius, but we have already discussed the wild water-bearer. Libras are proficient at networking and excel in professions that offer services rather than tactile goods.
An immature Libra thinks the best way to resolve conflict is to simply avoid it. It is important to strive for peace rather than an explosive argument. But if a Libra avoids difficult conversations, they will never be able to solve any problems that may arise at work.
A mature Libra is proficient at conflict resolution. Their Discerning yet amicable nature allows them to easily troubleshoot any issues that their clients or customers present to them. A Libra is a people person, but not a people pleaser. They understand that the customer is not always right. They will go above and beyond to provide excellent service to their client, but not at the expense of their own well-being.
Libra In Love

As I mentioned above, Libra is ruled by Venus, and is therefore one of the more romantic signs in the zodiac. Their partners find them easy to get along with and are often dazzled by their tendency to be both sweet and sensual. They are usually very adept at taking care of their partner’s physical and emotional needs.
An emotionally unevolved Libra can be spiteful at times. As air signs that are represented by weighing scales, Libras can become cold and closed off if they feel like their affections are not being reciprocated.
An emotionally evolved Libra tries to be more diplomatic rather than spiteful with their significant other. Instead of withholding their affection from their partner, they will try to put into the relationship what they themselves wish to get from it. When pursuing a relationship with any air sign, it is especially important to keep the lines of communication open at all times.
Libra and Friendship

As stated earlier, Libras are peacekeepers, and it is always good to have a peacekeeper in your social circle. They will try to resolve any conflict in the friend group, and they will do it without taking sides.
An equivocal Libra may beat around the bush a bit too much. Sometimes their insistence on hearing out both sides of an argument can lead people to believe that they are a bit wishy-washy.
An egalitarian Libra never wants to appear ambivalent, they just really want everyone to have their say. Though they do like to hear everyone’s side of the story, they understand that you can’t always remain neutral in certain situations. Though they are calm and tender-hearted by nature, they will never hesitate to speak up if they believe there has been an injustice.
Libras need balance more than anything. If the social butterfly feels too bogged down by one aspect of their life, they will never be able to spread their wings and fly. They flourish when they have established a proper work/life balance and a play/rest balance for themselves. Their devotion to their loved ones and their predilection for keeping the peace make me grateful for Libras in my life.