Each of the 12 zodiac signs has different ways of viewing the world. When it comes to interior design, one color does not fit all. For example, earth signs tend to feel best when they’re surrounded by colors that invoke nature. Fire signs, on the other hand, enjoy bold, intense hues that might make other signs feel overwhelmed.
Think about how your zodiac sign affects your mood when choosing your interior design scheme. This guide will help you pick the perfect color for your next room renovation.
Aries (March 21-April 19)

Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, so it makes sense that their best color is red, powerful and bold. It’s also the first of the three fire signs, the other two being Leo and Sagittarius. Their symbol is the ram, which reflects the stubbornness that many Aries display. This is the sign most likely to paint a room in a bold shade of red.
Red is a great color for a studio or workspace where Aries can express their creativity and explore their innovative ideas. If you don’t want to paint an entire room red, play around with an accent wall, or bring in elements of red through your décor. Red coral and amethyst are considered lucky gems for Aries, so displaying a few throughout your favorite room can help you connect with the qualities of strength reflected in your power color.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Folks born under the Taurus sign are known for being passionate, dependable, elegant, honest, and social. Taurus is an earth sign, so integrity and stability is of the utmost importance to them. Their symbol is the bull, which reflects their strong sense of determination, as well as their tendency to explode when angry.
This is part of why a calm shade of green is an excellent choice for the interior design scheme of a Taurus home. Various shades of green displayed throughout a space can help invoke the ever-changing flow of nature, which helps Taurus feel more connected to their higher self. A room painted in a soft shade of green will inspire Taurus to slow down and tap into their keen ability of creating prosperity out of nothing.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Geminis are exceptional thinkers known for being curious, intelligent, and persuasive. They’re often hardworking, successful people, but their infamous indecisiveness can lead to sticky situations. That’s not necessarily a bad thing; it’s just part of what makes Geminis who they are.
This makes yellow one of the best colors for a Gemini to bring into their home. Bright yellows create a sense of lightness and energy, which is perfect for a busy Gemini that has a million projects they want to tackle at once. Geminis working from home might consider painting their office bright yellow, which can help them to channel their creativity. Consider accent pieces like a yellow chair, desk, or picture frames to emphasize the theme.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancers feel their emotions deeply. Their ruling planet is the moon, so they are extremely sensitive and caring people. Their symbol is the crab, reflecting an incredibly tough, but very fragile sense of being.
Cancers’ emotions wax and wane along with the moon. Since they are so deeply connected to their ruling planet, Cancers take great comfort in the color silver. This is wonderful news, as you can bring this color into your home in a variety of ways. Reflective picture frames, mirrors, and sparkly candle holders are the perfect additions to a Cancer’s room. One could even paint their space in a moon-inspired grey to establish a calm, unassuming vibe.
Leo (July 23-August 22)

Leos are natural leaders, but even the most charismatic and confident leaders need a boost in spirit every now and then. They have a strong sense of courage and a bold way about them, making gold and orange their most powerful colors. They always have their eyes on the prize, so colors that invoke shimmering sunshine work quite well for this sign.
A space painted in a beautiful, bold orange and decorated in glitter and gold might seem gaudy to some, but for Leos, it’s a haven. Leos should choose deep orange hues for their paint schemes, or use flashy centerpieces in beautiful, shimmering colors to brighten up any room in the home.
Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Virgos are methodical, humble, sympathetic, and mentally energetic people. They are an earth sign, and while other earth signs connect more with the colors of flora, this one responds best to the colors of the soil itself. Hues of brown invoke a sense of richness, health, and strength.
Virgos should design their interior spaces around elements of soil, wood, and the color brown. Wooden materials also reflect Virgo’s strong sense of self and reliability, and being surrounded by such pieces will help this sign feel right at home.
Libra (September 23-October 22)

Libras are known for being friendly, harmonius, and peaceful. Their symbol is the scales, which represents balance, rationality, and justice. Many folks look to Libras when they need comfort, reassurance, and aid.
Thus, pink is the perfect color for a Libra’s room. Firstly, pink invokes a sense of mediation, something Libras are excellent at. A pastel pink can be an anecdote for tension, as well. Choose any and all shades of pink for a Libra’s space.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpios tend to embody the traits of their sign more obviously than any others. You can spot a Scorpio from a mile away, but not because they’re all the same. It’s because they usually have such strong personalities that you can actually feel the intensity that radiates from within them.
While many folks would be hesitant to consider an interior design scheme based in the color black, Scorpios respond incredibly well to its simplicity. Black connotes secrecy, uncertainty, and ambiguity–all things that Scorpios deal with better than most other signs. Dark shades of black and grey can help the always-moving Scorpio feel grounded and cozy, like an animal resting in a cave after a long day of adventure.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Folks born under Sagittarius are known for being extremely energetic, dynamic, optimistic, and independent. They also love being looked up to, so they work hard to achieve success. This is why they do best with the color purple, which invokes a sense of royalty.
Purple was once so rare as a color that it was reserved only for folks who could get their hands on it, and that’s exactly the kind of thing a Sagg wants. Any shade of purple can help a Sagittarius connect with their creativity and zest for their passions. A purple bedspread in the bedroom or a purple-themed work studio can work wonders for a Sagittarius.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Capricorns are known for having two distinct sides to their personalities. One side is ambitious, creative, and hardworking, and the other is characterized by discontent and frustration. Capricorns can set their dreams so high, they get overwhelmed when roadblocks get in the way of their success.
This may be because while Capricorns are innovative, they are still an earth sign. They see reality for what it is, and sometimes, that makes them feel discouraged in the pursuit of their goals. This is why grey is the most powerful color for a Capricorn. While it may seem dull to some, Capricorns have so much going on their heads that their external environments should be peaceful and grounded. For this astrological sign, grey invokes the peaceful power of a snow-capped mountaintop or a cleansing rainfall.
Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

The symbol of Aquarius is the water bearer (or water carrier). More specifically, it is the water carrier Ganymede, who is known as the cupbearer to the gods. While many assume this makes Aquarius a water sign, they are actually an air sign. This is why they are known for resisting labels and conformity–like the air and the wind, they cannot be pinned down.
People born under Aquarius vary widely in how their traits express themselves. While some are exceptionally active and known for their enthusiasm, others take on the quality of a gentle wind: calm and acutely sensitive. Thus, Aquarius should paint their rooms in varying shades of blue, depending on which hues invokes the greatest sense of contentment within them. They are also prone to getting bored easily, so don’t just choose one shade of blue; allow that Aquarius creativity to run free, and select the shades that make you feel best. Photos and portraits of the sky will also help an Aquarius feel calm and peaceful.
Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces is a water sign, and their symbol is a fish. Their power color is light green or seafoam green, invoking the qualities of underwater plants. When Pisces bring elements of light green into their home, they can connect more deeply with their root desires.
Pisces are dreamers, and they often have a strong sense of intuition. They can be quite sensitive, so a soothing color like green can help them reconnect with themselves and tune out the hubbub of the world around them. Pisces thrive in rooms painted in a shade of light green, and they’re the sign most likely to have a room filled with leafy, green plants of all shapes and sizes.