Welcome to Moon Magic Monday! We have talked about how lunar transits and aspects can affect our emotions. And we have talked about what our personal moon placements mean. If you are still unsure of what your moon sign is, you can check it here.
Today we are talking about this week’s lunar transits and how they may affect our daily lives!
Monday, June 13th

Early this morning, The moon in Sagittarius forms a trine with Jupiter in Aries. Under this transit, we feel cheerful and generous. We are attracting those around us with our optimism and inspiring others with our altruistic pursuits. Now is a great time to revisit that project you have been working on. This project may help to inspire and comfort others.
Around dinner time, the moon forms a trine with Mars in Aries. Under this trine, we are endowed with great physical and mental energy. Aries gives us willpower, while Sagittarius enhances our resourcefulness. You may have struggled with hardships recently, but you are pushing through and persevering.
Tuesday, June 14th

Around breakfast time, the moon becomes full. This full moon can make us irritable. We may feel like our moods are changing like the phase of the moon. We may have trouble finding tranquility under this full moon. It may be wise to give ourselves some alone time. We are going to feel restless. But we can channel that restlessness into certain activities. We can go for a jog, or listen to loud music, or dance. It can be fun to dance under a full moon.
Later in the morning, the moon forms a sextile with Saturn in Aquarius. Now is not the time to be impetuous. We must set our intentions using great deliberation. We are taking ownership of the things that are in our control. Our organizational talent is thriving under this sextile. Now is a great time to lead a project at work or tackle any projects at home.
About twenty minutes later, the moon forms a square with Neptune in Pisces. Under this placement, we are passive and anxious. We may feel extra sensitive and can be easily hurt by the words and actions of those around us. This hypersensitivity can lead us to direct our insecurities inward. We may be unkind and dishonest with ourselves. At times like this, self care is very important.
Later in the day, the moon leaves Sagittarius and enters determined Capricorn. Under this moon, we may be operating under a “more work, less play” mentality. We are so close to achieving our goals, we can taste it. We are approaching everything with a serious attitude. Our concentration and attention to detail will help us in professional matters. Though perseverance is admirable, we have to remember to set aside a little time for leisure.
Wednesday, June 15th

In the wee hours of the morning, the moon forms a square with Jupiter. Under this square, conflict may arise in many facets of our lives. We may find ourselves at odds with others and pick fights with everyone around us. We may be careless with our resources as well as our health. Be mindful of alcohol and caffeine, because our livers are especially vulnerable.
As the sun sets, the moon forms a square with Mars in Aries. We may feel excitable and make hasty decisions. We may also feel combative. If we feel threatened, especially by the opposite gender, we can find ourselves in a heated argument. After being so on edge, we may feel moody and need to withdraw within ourselves. There is no shame in standing up for what you are passionate about. But if you feel yourself growing volatile and argumentative, take a moment to reflect on how you can communicate your point more effectively.
A couple hours later, the moon forms a trine with Uranus in Taurus. Under this trine, we feel sharp and ambitious. We are forging our own path and completing whatever tasks come our way. We are also finding new-fangled and innovative ways to solve our problems. Our amicable demeanor is helping to influence people in a positive way.
Thursday, June 16th

As we wake, the moon forms a trine with Venus in Taurus. Under this trine, love and partnership are on our minds. We find ourselves in sweet and charitable moods. We are helpful and eager to adapt to the needs of our partners. The opportune moment to discuss romantic commitment may arise soon. Be sure to keep the lines of communication open.
As we get ready for our day, the moon forms a sextile with Neptune. Under this sextile, our spiritual life is flourishing. We feel a tremendous amount of empathy at this moment, and this empathy can inspire our creativity and artistic talent.
In the early afternoon, the moon forms a conjunction with Pluto who is also in Capricorn. Under this conjunction, it may feel like we are butting heads with everyone around us. This feeling of hostility can cause us to become depressed or temperamental. At times like this, it can be beneficial to just take a step back and indulge in guilty pleasures.
Around dinner time, the moon moves into visionary Aquarius. This moon is all about revolution and revelry. At this time, we feel particularly close to our loved ones and community. We are passionate about social events and social causes. Under lunar Aquarius, we want to run wild but are also driven to be compassionate. Consider attending a charity event or protest to raise awareness.
As we get ready for bed, the moon forms a trine with Mercury in Gemini. Under this trine, we are open-minded and willing to learn. We think for ourselves and do our own research rather than blindly believing what we are told. At this time, we can easily influence others with our charisma and leadership qualities. However, it is important that we wield this power with great discernment.
Friday, June 17th

This morning, the moon forms a sextile with Jupiter. This sextile is an absolutely superb transit to start our day off right. Under this aspect, our generosity knows no bounds. We are compelled to contribute to humanitarian ventures and spread healthy positivity wherever we go. We are inspired by the performative and poetic nature of this constellation. Now is a great time to work on your creative projects. Your art may help to inspire others.
In the evening, the moon forms a square with Uranus. Our moods continue to be unpredictable under this square. This instability is causing a rift with our romantic partners. Our heightened sensuality and growing irritability are making our relationships run hot and cold. When we feel moody, it is easy to slip into old habits that bring us comfort. This coping mechanism is perfectly alright, as long as it does not lead to self-destructive tendencies.
An hour later, the moon forms a sextile with Mars. Under this sextile, we have tremendous strength and willpower. At this time, we are open and honest with others and we expect others to be open and honest with us.
All aspects mentioned here are calculated in Eastern Standard Time. For greater accuracy, convert to your own time zone.