Tis the season to love the one you’re with or finally make a move on that longtime crush! And if you are a Gemini still looking and longing for that special someone, read on to find out which signs could be your perfect match.
Whether you’re a Gemini sun or you have Gemini in a prominent place in your birth chart, I have a few lovey dovey questions. Do you dream of finding someone who will swap love poems with you? Are you yearning for a carefree and spontaneous partner? Do you want to find someone who will stay up into the wee hours of the morning, discussing anything and everything with you? If you have answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you are in luck.
Check out this list of the best and worst zodiac matches for Gemini below. Consider it my astrologically informed V-day gift to you.
What makes a good zodiac love match?
When calculating your compatibility with a potential partner based on their zodiac sign, looking at their element (fire, earth, air, or water) and their modality (cardinal, fixed, and mutable) are both key.
Gemini is an air sign, so they connect really well with other air signs and most fire signs. Air signs need complete and total freedom to be themselves in a relationship. But fire can’t exist without oxygen, and air signs allow fire signs to be exactly who they want to be without stifling them.
Gemini is also a mutable sign, meaning they are adaptable wild-cards and are always happy to go with the flow. Because of this, they tend to get along well with cardinal and fixed signs. Mutable signs often seek guidance from cardinal signs and stability from fixed signs. Though they will not always get along with every cardinal and fixed sign. It is possible for two mutable signs to find love with each other, but due to their sometimes too-flexible nature, the relationship can be a tad bit wishy-washy.
Before I get into the ideal and not so ideal love matches, I want to preface this article by saying that I am in no way implying that these signs will be a perfect love match for every Gemini. Obviously, all relationship is perfect. So if you’re currently in a healthy and stable relationship with a Cancer or a Sagittarius, then by all means, stay where you are cherished and celebrated. This list only serves as a bit of advice for those Geminis who have not found a love that fits just yet.
Read on to find out what what signs Gemini is most romantically aligned with (and which ones they might be repelled by), according to the stars.
Best Match: Aries

Aries are able to match your energy perfectly. You are both equally playful and creative. You admire their playfulness and they admire your communicative skills. They are able to gas you up and increase your confidence, while you are able to calm them down and bring them peace. It is so easy for you to adapt to their recklessness and sense of adventure. They will be like the fire in your hot air balloon. Together, you will go far!
Love song for this match: You Make Loving Fun by Fleetwood Mac
Worst Match: Taurus

Taurus can be quite communicative for an earth sign. However, that does not mean that this is a perfect match. Your head will be perpetually in the clouds while their feet are stubbornly stuck to the ground. You may find them to be immovable and a bit too obstinate while they find you to be unreliable and inconsistent. You both love to communicate, but they may come on a little strong in the way that they communicate and you won’t want to talk about anything too heavy.
Break up song for this match: Hot n Cold by Katy Perry
Best Matches: Leo

As I said earlier, fire needs oxygen to survive, and you give this fixed fire sign life. You understand each other’s emotions and outbursts. You both can be a little frivolous. Neither of you will ever tell the other one to “calm down,” which I think we can all agree, never works. You validate each other’s emotions. You will have tons of fun together!
Love song for this match: I Wanna Dance With Somebody by Whitney Houston
Worst Matches: Virgo

You are both ruled by Mercury, and therein lies the problem. You are both way too mutable so you will try to adapt to each other as best as you can. But your curiosity and free-spirit will clash with Virgo’s critical ways. You are a bit too spontaneous for them and they are a bit too over-analytical.
Break up song for this match: Work by Rihanna
Best Matches: Libra

I hope you like deep, meaningful conversations, because this relationship is chock full of them! Air signs are the most communicative signs, so you will never run out of things to talk about with this cardinal air sign. You match each other on an intellectual level. You are also very sociable and will love partying together.
Love song for this match: Something to Talk About by Bonnie Rait
Worst Matches: Scorpio

Unlike Libra, Scorpio will not want to go out partying as much. That’s not to say they won’t want to party at all, but their social battery runs out a lot quicker than yours does. They prefer to have sensual, private times with you. On the plus side, they will enjoy talking to you about intimate subjects.
Break up song for this match: Creep by Radiohead
Best Matches Aquarius

Like Libra, you will match each other on an intellectual level. You will also balance each other out. Aquarians will help you learn to appreciate quiet, meditative times and they will also help you live in the moment. While you help them bust out of their shell. You will excite each other with your innovative ways and newfangled ideas.
Love song for this match: Anyone Else But You by The Moldy Peaches
Worst Match: Pisces

Pisces fits none of the above criteria for a proper Gemini match, because they are mutable water signs. A Pisces could be a wonderful friend for you and possibly even a fun, casual fling. But a serious relationship may prove to be troublesome. Their emotionally dependent ways may clash with your need for independence. To avoid any hurt feelings, it is probably better to just stay friends.
Break up song for this match: So Nice So Smart by Kimya Dawson