Illuminate your life, Pumpkin. You deserve it.
Why You Should
Be Drinking
Every Day
Illuminate your life, Pumpkin. You deserve it.
It’s Seriously High in Antioxidants
Matcha is rich in catechins. Catechins are plant compounds naturally abundant in tea that help prevent cell damage. These naturally occurring antioxidants stabilize free radicals. When you mix hot water with matcha powder, you’re whipping up all the nutrients from the entire leaf.
Illuminate your life, Pumpkin. You deserve it.
It’s Good For Your Liver
In one study, 80 people with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease were divided into two groups and monitored for three months. One group was given a placebo. The other was given green tea extract. Those who were given the extract had reduced liver enzyme levels and therefore, lessened liver damage.
Illuminate your life, Pumpkin. You deserve it.
It’ll Give Your Brain a Boost
Several studies have shown that certain components in matcha can significantly improve brain functioning, mental energy, and mental clarity. When brain activity has been measured, those who consumed matcha show improvement in their reaction time, memory, and attention span time and time again.
Illuminate your life, Pumpkin. You deserve it.
Matcha May Prevent Cancer
Thanks to matcha’s health-promoting compounds, research suggests it may decrease the risk of developing certain cancers. But, more research must be done. One study found that the powerful green tea extract decreased tumor size and slowed the spreading of breast cancer cells. With that said, this study was done on rats and not humans. Still, hopes remain high that matcha may treat humans similarly.
Illuminate your life, Pumpkin. You deserve it.
To read more about matcha's health benefits, click the link below!