Illuminate your life, Pumpkin. You deserve it.

5 Reasons to Start Reading Tarot Cards

Illuminate your life, Pumpkin. You deserve it.

This is not to say that professional readers have no place–dear god(dess) in heaven, they absolutely do. But learning how to read the cards for yourself can be a beautiful addition to your own spiritual journey. And no one can keep that from you if it’s something you’re interested in.

1. Tarot is for everyone

Illuminate your life, Pumpkin. You deserve it.

The lessons in these cards are, at their most basic, platitudes. They’re universal truths that can apply to anyone, and your unconscious or higher self can make sense of them through the context of your own situation.

2. Reading Can Help You Tap into Your Intuition

Illuminate your life, Pumpkin. You deserve it.

Look at the cards carefully, and see what sort of intuitive hits or breakthroughs you get visually. How do those things play into your current situation? The more you interact with the cards, the more easily you’ll be able to apply their lessons or insight to the situations at hand.

3. It Can Offer Clarity

Illuminate your life, Pumpkin. You deserve it.

The interpretations of tarot cards are metaphorical. Yes, there is a Death card, but it rarely symbolizes physical death. Instead, it can be seen as something in your life that’s run its course, and needs to be laid to rest.

4. Each Card Offers its Own Medicine

Illuminate your life, Pumpkin. You deserve it.

Oracle cards have a much looser, more free-flowing structure. They can also seem gentler in readings than tarot decks do. Tarot can sometimes give you the “hard truth,” while oracle cards might sugarcoat things for you.

5. Oracle Cards Are Gentler

Illuminate your life, Pumpkin. You deserve it.

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