Illuminate your life, Pumpkin. You deserve it.

How To Make Friends as an Adult

Illuminate your life, Pumpkin. You deserve it.

Focus on Quality Over Quantity

Stop looking to create a big collection and star looking to form meaningful relationships! That’s why it is more important to focus on quality over quantity. I would much rather have a handful of friends with whom I share common interests and enjoy spending time.

Illuminate your life, Pumpkin. You deserve it.

Don’t Fear the Follow-Up

Once you've met a new person, it’s time to reach out. Bring up something that you talked about before or remember something about that person and ask them about it. Reveal something similar about yourself or send a link about something related to what you talked about. In each of these cases, you’re showing that you were paying attention.

Illuminate your life, Pumpkin. You deserve it.

Accept Invitations

If someone invites you to do something, try to make it happen. If you turn down every invitation, you’ll find it difficult to create meaningful relationships. If you are unable to accept the invitation, do your best to make other plans instead. Reschedule for another time or make an effort to do something different together.

Illuminate your life, Pumpkin. You deserve it.

Put It on the Calendar

We have all done that thing where we say, “We should get together again soon!” And then a few days go by… and then a few weeks… Everyone is busy, and if you don’t actually schedule it and put it on your calendar, it won’t happen. Instead, say, “We should get together again,” and then go ahead and come up with that next time. Pick a date and commit.

Illuminate your life, Pumpkin. You deserve it.

Learn to Let It Go

Friendships come and go. It is just a part of regular life. And by the time we get into adulthood, it’s pretty common to have fewer friends than you had as a kid. Just remember that it’s okay if you don’t stay friends with everyone forever. And remember that it’s normal, acceptable, and fun to make new friends – even as an adult!

Illuminate your life, Pumpkin. You deserve it.

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