Illuminate your life, Pumpkin. You deserve it.

Eat These Foods to Help Ease Depression and Anxiety

Illuminate your life, Pumpkin. You deserve it.


Turkey is infamous for being loaded with tryptophan, but did you know that all poultry contains it? This essential amino acid plays a role in the production of serotonin, a mood stabilizer; and melatonin, which helps regulate your sleep patterns. Your body doesn’t produce this one, so you have to get it in your diet!

Illuminate your life, Pumpkin. You deserve it.

Fatty Fish

They are still excellent sources of important omega-3 fatty acids. While omega-3s are already great for heart health and inflammation, these amino acids may also help with mental health. That’s because omega-3s are important to brain function – and a lack of them could contribute to mood disorders.

Illuminate your life, Pumpkin. You deserve it.


Walnuts feature brain-supporting nutrients, including Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) and polyphenols. This means that walnuts can support better cognitive function and may lessen symptoms of mood disorders. They may also help in lowering blood pressure, which is also good for the brain and cognitive ability.

Illuminate your life, Pumpkin. You deserve it.


Studies have shown a link between depression and low levels of B vitamins, particularly B12 and B9 (aka folate). And while the connection isn’t fully understood, it’s worth noting that B12 has some effect on the levels of serotonin in the brain

Illuminate your life, Pumpkin. You deserve it.

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflowers sure can brighten up the room in a vase, and sunflower seeds can brighten up your mood! That’s because these seeds contain magnesium and folate, just like all those leafy greens. It only takes a quarter of a cup of sunflower seeds to get 20 percent of the recommended amount of folate, and nearly 30 percent of your magnesium intake.

Illuminate your life, Pumpkin. You deserve it.

Portobello Mushrooms

Sunlight isn’t the only source of vitamin D. You can bump up your intake with the foods you eat. That’s because similar to humans, mushrooms naturally produce vitamin D with exposure to sunlight. Pick up some portobello mushrooms to get your boost.

Illuminate your life, Pumpkin. You deserve it.


Broccoli is a member of the cruciferous family, alongside cauliflower, kale, bok choy, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and collards. These cruciferous veggies contain high amounts of chromium. It is a trace element that increases your levels of mood-boosters like serotonin, norepinephrine, and melatonin.

Illuminate your life, Pumpkin. You deserve it.

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