This Is Why You Can’t Get Into Meditation

Plus size woman doing yoga and meditation at home.
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Are you frustrated with meditation? If you feel like you just can't clear your mind and sit quietly, then you aren't alone. The good news is that you can adjust your attitude and reset your bad habits.

We all know by now that meditation can benefit your life in a wide variety of ways. But for something so simple, it can be surprisingly difficult to start a meditation practice.

If you’ve felt frustrated with meditation, then read on to discover the habits and assumptions that could be holding you back.

You Have the Wrong Mindset


What do you hope to gain from meditation? If you are in search of a peacefully blank mind, then I have some disappointing news for you. The goal of meditation isn’t to clear your mind but to improve your relationship with your own thoughts.

You’ll gain a new perspective as you begin to see your thoughts as something akin to the weather. You can choose which thoughts to acknowledge, and focus your attention on the things that matter. This does come with a greater sense of calm and control in your life, but that’s a side effect and not the end goal.

You’re Expecting Instant Results

Although none of us would expect to get buff after just one session at the gym, we tend to think that meditation is something that we should be good at the first time we try it. The truth is that meditation gradually trains your brain just as the gym gradually tones your body. You need to be patient with yourself and stick to the practice before you’ll start to notice results.

Eventually, you will find that it’s easier to center yourself and ignore those pesky random thoughts. There’s no timeline for success with meditation, and most experts consider it to be a lifelong practice of gradual improvement.

You Are Meditating at the Wrong Time

serene, calm, sleeping

Do you keep trying to meditate at the same time every day, only to find that your mind wanders or you get fidgety almost at once? It might not be your fault! While many practitioners recommend meditating early in the morning, it’s okay if that isn’t the best time for you.

You might find it works better to meditate mid-morning or even after work in order to unwind. One word of warning: meditating at night could backfire. You might end up falling asleep!

You Aren’t Setting Yourself up for Success

Did you eat something and drink a little water before meditating? If not, then your body could get in the way of practicing mindfulness. You should be comfortable while you meditate. When your chair is too hard or the room is too cold, it draws your attention away from your practice.

Consider making meditation part of a larger wellness routine that includes a healthy snack, a glass of water, and ten or fifteen minutes of gentle exercise.

You Need to Try a Different Path

walking during fall

Traditional meditation, where you close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing, is just one type of mindfulness practice. If you find the idea of sitting still to be unbearable, there are options. You could try a walking meditation–just know that closing your eyes is not recommended. Really, any task that requires simple, repetitive motion can become a kind of meditation. Keeping your body busy in order to quiet your mind is a valid way of being mindful.

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