Simple Tips For Keeping the Peace This Holiday Season

family taking a selfie during Christmas
The holidays can be stressful for so many reasons, but don't let your family be one of them.

Many of us have had to change our plans this holiday season due to COVID-19. Whether that means spending the holidays alone, deciding to move back in with your parents so you can all quarantine together, or something in between, 2020 has been all about adjustments.

While it’s certainly been a challenging holiday season, one positive is that many of us won’t have to deal with our annoying and difficult extended family. That crazy uncle who won’t stop drinking? Don’t have to see him this year. That grandma who won’t stop talking politics? See ya next year, Granny! 

But, for those of us who will be living with our parents for the month of December (AKA me), we have to find ways to keep the peace. Now don’t get me wrong, I love my parents. I don’t have to quarantine with them, but I’m choosing to so I can safely spend the holidays with them. However, I do feel like I’m back in high school with us all under the same roof again.

Sure, I don’t have to have awkward conversations with my weird family members this year, but I do have to make sure my parents and I don’t end up hating each other when this is all said and done. If you’re in the same situation as a grown adult, here are some simple tips for keeping the peace this holiday season. 

Have Your Own Space

Whether it’s your bedroom or a special place in the house, find a space that is your own and take advantage of it. Make sure to spend time by yourself throughout the day. This will not only give you time to do the things you want to do (like read or watch TV), but it’ll also give you time away from your family. Set boundaries with your family ahead of time and let them know that your space is off-limits. 

Get Out

Find time throughout the day to get out of the house. Sometimes we just need to be away from our family for a little bit, so go for a walk or a drive, listen to some music, and breathe. This will not only give you a mental break, but it’ll also give your family a little bit of time away from you. Distance makes the heart grow fonder, right?

Find Something to Do Together

Try to find something your whole family can enjoy together. Whether it’s watching a TV show together, playing a board game, or watching sports, it’s good to have something that brings you all together. Not to mention, we all need things to look forward to these days.

Practice Gratitude

OK, this one can be tough at times, but it is necessary. While many of us would prefer to not have to quarantine with our parents as adults, try reframing your mindset. How many times in your life will you get the opportunity to spend this much quality time with your family as an adult?

I’d venture to believe there won’t be another time like this, so take advantage of it! We only get so much time with the people we love and there’s a good chance you’ll look back on this moment down the road and wish you could do it all over again. Have fun and take deep breathes. You’ve got this!

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