Live With a Roommate? Here’s How to Share the Space

roommates talking
Living with a roommate doesn't have to be hard! Here's how to share the space so everyone is happy.

Living with a roommate is hard. Sure, you save money on rent and won’t have to worry about being alone should an intruder break-in (these are the things I think about), but it is easier said than done. You not only have to share your living space, kitchen, and bathroom (unless you’re lucky and have multiple), but you also have to combine your individual tastes. 

While it can be a struggle to find common ground, it’s not impossible. In fact, there are easy ways to make your shared space comfortable and convenient for everyone involved. Here are some simple tips for living with a roommate. 

Talk It Out Before Signing a Lease

Please, whatever you do, talk to your roommate about your preferences and living habits before committing to a lease. I cannot stress the importance of this enough. It doesn’t matter if this person has been your best friend for 20 years or is a complete stranger, you need to discuss a number of things prior to moving in together.

Talk about your individual styles, so you have a sense of how this person may want to decorate the apartment or house. Ask them how often they clean, if they have any weird quirks, and what their feelings are about inviting people over.

Do you want to live with someone who has never cleaned a toilet in their life or doesn’t know how to wash dishes? It is vital you know how this person lives and operates before you commit to being their roommate.

Keep the Shared Spaces Simple

You may love the idea of having a cheetah print couch or painting a wall in the living room bright pink, but you have another person to think about when making these decisions. Do your best to keep the shared living spaces as clean and as simple as possible so that everyone is happy.

Your bedroom is your sanctuary, so you can do whatever you want in there in terms of decorating. However, it is important to consider the other person’s taste when styling the rest of the home. 

Separate Areas is Key

I am very protective over the food I buy and the items I keep in my bathroom, which is why when I moved in with my roommates I established designated areas for our things. For example, each roommate has an individual shelf in the refrigerator for their food. This way nothing ever gets mixed up and we don’t accidentally eat someone else’s food.

In the bathroom, each of us has a designated drawer and area for our bathroom products. Creating separate areas for each person’s individual items will cut down on silly drama and make things very simple when it comes to organization.

Chore Calendar

Often times the cleaning responsibilities end up falling on one person’s shoulders, which leaves them feeling resentful and frustrated. In order to prevent that from happening — and to maintain a clean home — establish chore responsibilities for each person.

From clearing out the dishwasher to taking out the trash, everything should be divided amongst the people in the home. This will hold every person accountable and keep things orderly. 

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