What the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn Means for Your Sign

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The planets are shifting, and it means big things in your life. Be prepared, major things are coming. Here is what the Jupiter and Saturn conjunction means in your life.

Friends, we’re in the midst of a major astrological event. December 21st marked the Winter Solstice, the beginning of Capricorn season, and the end of Eclipse season.

It also brought us the “Great Conjunction” between Jupiter and Saturn in the sign of Aquarius — something that’s a lot rarer than you think.

A Jupter-Saturn conjunction is a transit that only happens every 19-20 years. The last one was in the sign of Taurus in the year 2000. Beyond that, this is the closest the planets have been in proximity to each other since 1623 and the closest in proximity to Earth (i.e., observable) since 1226. And the last time these two met up in Aquarius was in 1405.

Alright, alright, enough with the dates. What does it actually mean? Well, for the past year or so, Saturn (planet of karma), and Jupiter (planet of progress) were duking it out in Capricorn, which rules things like governments and financial institutions. That means a lot of change took place that, at face value, seemed awfully destructive. But sometimes things are dramatically dismantled in order to make room for something better.

Now, the two have moved on to Aquarius — a much more progressive, optimistic, freedom-loving sign. Which could mean some amazing things on a macro level.

“This conjunction will shift humanity from the materialistic and industrious energy of the Earth element (Capricorn) into the mental and humanistic approach of the air element (Aquarius),” says astrologer Narayana Montúfar.

But what does it mean on an individual level? It could be urging you on to more progressive and innovative thinking in your own life. Read on to see how the Great Conjunction could affect your Sun Sign. And be sure to check out your Rising Sign if you know it!


2020 hasn’t been so easy on your social life, but it may have shown you a small group of people you can turn to no matter what. Things might be looking a bit different, but your life is all the richer for it.


You may be turning over a new leaf on the career front. New opportunities are presenting themselves, and you might even have a change of heart when it comes to the career goals you thought were set in stone. Be careful and deliberative in your decision making.


You’ve got the travel bug, Gemini, but travel isn’t so easy these days. Channel that same sense of adventure and curiosity into learning about new philosophies and cultures, and maybe experimenting with music, food, or decor from a far-off destination into your home.


There are big things on the horizon, Cancer — but you already know that, being one of the most intuitive signs of the zodiac. Big transformations are on their way, but change has never been comfortable for you. Take comfort in the fact that you can build a beautiful and cozy home around you no matter what happens or where you end up.


A recent all-in commitment to someone might be making you a little antsy, like you’re second-guessing something that seems too permanent. You need to get out of your head and into your heart. Ask yourself what you truly feel, not what your overactive imagination is telling you to think.


All of the up-in-the-air about the last year has sent your anxiety into overdrive, especially in matters of work and health. Routines are good, but don’t cross the line over into obsessive territory. Take some time to slow down and get to the heart of the matter. You can’t control everything.


Making decisions is difficult for you in the worst of times, but you’re having a particularly hard time in the areas of romance and passion. Dating during a pandemic brings its own unique set of challenges, but be careful not to miss something wonderful because you’re so focused on finding “perfect.”


As much as you’re someone who craves commitment and emotional connection, there’s something about your current domestic situation that needs a change. This isn’t to say you’re about to cut and run, but a few things need to be analyzed in the realm of house and home.


You like to spin a good yarn, Sag, and are more prone to tall tales and exaggerations than most. But now, you’re seeking larger truths and want people to hear about them for what they truly are. You may find the impact is even greater when you’re more direct and straight forward with those around you.


This conjunction is having an unexpected effect on you, Cap. That material security that’s typically your driving force isn’t seeming quite so important right now. You’re drawn to recognize the value in the other aspects of your life that money can’t buy.


We’re coming into existential crisis season, Aquarius — but it doesn’t have to be a crisis at all. No one has it all figured out, so if you find yourself mired in the weeds of “what does it all mean?” take comfort in the fact that you aren’t alone. You’ve always marched to your own beat — this is no different. Let go of your expectations and look for a sign.


You’ve been craving the connection of your social circle lately, but you’re being called to withdraw and turn inward right now. It’s time for a deep-dive into that beautiful psyche of yours. There is inner work that must be done — and that work will clear the way for you to manifest something magical in your life.

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