Read This Before You Bring Home a New Houseplant

woman shopping for plants, holding a fern
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Bringing home a new houseplant is always exciting. It’s like bringing home a new friend!

Every so often, I go to the local nursery. It doesn’t matter if I have room for new plants or not, I just want to go see what they’ve got. Okay, at least that’s what I tell myself, before I bring home a cute new succulent. Oh, and wouldn’t that pothos look amazing hanging in the kitchen window?

Often, I have to stop myself, though. Not because I don’t have the space for new plant friends, but because they might not survive. And I can’t bear the thought of killing another plant. AGAIN.

Look, I have a green thumb. The problem is my house!

Not all apartments or homes are a good fit for every plant. And on top of that, not every plant is a good fit for you. You really have to consider a lot before you just spend your hard-earned money on every cool looking plant you see.

Before picking up your next houseplant, check out these important things to consider. A little research can save you the disappointment of losing a plant friend in the future.

What’s the Sunlight Situation Inside?

Before heading to the plant nursery, think about where you might like to put a new plant. Do you get plenty of morning sun from an east-facing window, or are you hoping to brighten up a low-light bathroom? Are you looking to brighten up your drab home office desk?

Let the amount of sunlight available dictate which plants you bring into your home. Otherwise, your new plants aren’t going to thrive — they might not even survive.

The Humidity Inside is Important, too

You may have never really thought about the humidity inside your home, aside from the heat drying out your skin in the winter. However, the humidity inside your place can be pretty important for plants. For instance, tropical plants like monstera love humidity, but succulents thrive in dry air.

If you have your heart set on a plant that doesn’t match your home’s humidity levels, you’re looking at having to invest in a humidifier or dehumidifier just to keep them happy, which might be more of an investment and level of commitment than you’re willing to make.

Do You Have Kids or Pets?

Even if you’re an experienced houseplant parent, it can sometimes be easy to forget just how important kids and pets factor into your plant choices.

A lot of common, popular plants that are harmful to pets. It’s best not to bring them into your home at all, even if you’re convinced Fluffy and Fido would never nibble on your plants. Play it extra safe by checking the ASPCA’s database of toxic plants before bringing home new greenery. We don’t want to put our pets in danger for a little green.

If you have small children at home, it’s less about toxicity and more about location (not to say that you shouldn’t also consider toxicity when bringing new plants home). Is that large parlor palm sitting on the floor going to tempt your toddler to dig through the dirt? Are you afraid that your kindergartener might push your new peace lily off the table? These (very real) concerns could limit your plant choices. Consider available spaces for plants before purchasing.

Your Commitment Level

Some plants are super easy, while others require a lot of care and attention — I’m looking at you, orchids. Consider how much time you actually have to nurture your new green friend. Those extra few moments could mean life or death to a plant!

If you’re barely able to tackle your to-do list, do yourself a favor and choose an easy houseplant that won’t mind a little neglect. Pothos, spider plants, parlor palms, snake plants, or lucky bamboo might all make good choices.

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