You’ll Want to Put Your Health First After Reading These Quotes

running on a trail
From focusing on your mental health to appreciating your overall health, here are a few quotes to give you that extra push of motivation.

You don’t need a New Year, an expensive trainer, or a secret diet to improve your health. In fact, you can make the decision right now to put your health and well-being first. Will it be hard? Sure! But that’s why we have these handy dandy quotes here to give you the extra motivation you may need to leave your bad habits behind. 

From focusing on your mental health to appreciating your overall health, here are a few quotes to give you that extra push of motivation.

You Can’t Buy a New Body


If our home gets destroyed, we know we can move into a new one. If our car breaks down, we can get it fixed pretty easily. So many things in life are replaceable, but our bodies are not. We have one body our entire life–and if it breaks down, well, we know we can’t go out and get a new one.

This is why it is so important to make sure we are taking care of ourselves, both physically and mentally. It’s easy to push off health and wellness when you’re young, but that truly should be the time when you focus on it the most.

Health Is Wealth


Sure, you can buy fancy cars and designer clothes with lots of money, but you can’t buy your health. In fact, the great equalizer for all of us — whether we’re rich or poor — is that our health can be taken from us at any moment.

So, the next time you find yourself getting jealous over a friend’s new luxurious purchase or extravagant vacation, remind yourself how lucky you are to have your health!

It’s Not Just About How Much You Exercise and What You Eat


Are you feeling down? Do you feel like you’ve run yourself ragged? If so, spend time with your friends, do the things you love, and make sure you get a good night’s sleep. We so often feel like we need to jump from one thing to the next, but that often leaves us feeling drained and depleted.

Instead, focus on slowing down and taking time for yourself. Not only will you feel better mentally, but your body will thank you too.

Think Long Term


It’s easy to make goals, but it’s not easy to follow through on them. When you find yourself wanting to give up on your goals — whether they’re health-related or not — dig deep and find your discipline.

Sure, you may not want to go on a run today, but if you want to run that half marathon in six months you will go for that run. We all have the ability to be disciplined, we just have to choose to do so every day.

Stay as Stress-Free as Possible


We’re often told the secret to being healthy is to eat super clean and exercise six times a week, but the truth is it’s about living a life free of stress. Of course exercise and diet are important to our overall health, but it’s just as important to do things you enjoy, spend time with the people you love, and appreciate the simple things in life. 

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