5 Tips to Properly Recover Following a Tough Workout

woman stretching
Recovery is just as important as exercising, so make sure you're doing it properly with these easy tips! Remember: You don't HAVE to be so sore you can't walk the next day!

I’m not going to claim to be a fitness excerpt, but I do enjoy working out at least a few times per week. 

While some days I only have enough energy to take a short walk in my neighborhood, every once and awhile I get the urge to really push my body to its limit. Whether that’s going on a long run, participating in a tough fitness class online, or doing a full-body workout, it can feel good to see what I’m capable of achieving. It’s important to figure out what workout works for you


But you know what doesn’t feel good after a hard workout? My body. Somedays my legs ache so much I can barely walk. Other days I can barely lift my arms above my head. I’ve quickly realized I don’t pay as much attention to recovering properly as I do to actually working out, which is a problem. 

Here are some easy tips to properly workout after a tough workout.


I know I always forget to stretch after a workout (or I stretch for 30 seconds and then call it good), but it’s something you should do after every single workout.


In fact, plan it into your workout so you never run out of time or blow it off. Take about 15 minutes and stretch every part of your body. Make sure to hold each stretch for a good minute and take it slow.

Drink Water ASAP

Your body probably craves water while you’re working out, but it is equally as important to continue drinking water post-workout.


In fact, keep a big water bottle in your fridge and make sure to drink all of it after you finish your workout. This will help improve muscle flexibility and help to prevent muscle soreness. 

Eat a Snack

After downing your bottle of water, go ahead and make yourself a healthy snack. This will start the recovery process for your body and help replenish your sore muscles.

Of course, don’t eat a bag of Hot Cheetos or six Oreos (though they’re tempting). Try to eat a snack or meal that is rich in carbohydrates and protein, such as a banana, a piece of toast with peanut butter, or even a smoothie. 


Hot and Cold Shower

You’ve probably heard about the benefits of an ice bath post-workout, but most of us don’t have an ice bath waiting for us at home. However, the next best thing is to take a hot and cold shower post-workout.


While you’re in the shower, alternate about two minutes of hot water with 30 seconds of cold water. It may be a bit uncomfortable at first, but it’ll do wonders for your muscles. 

Take a Rest Day

If you worked out really hard on a Monday, give yourself Tuesday off to rest and recover. While moving and pushing yourself is great, rest is just as important.


In fact, if you push your body too hard too many days in a row, you’ll end up doing serious damage to your muscles. However, if you do feel like moving, go for a light walk or relaxing bike ride. 

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