Body Positive Tips That Will Help You to Live Your Best Life

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We’re all told to be confident, to not compare ourselves to other people, and to not be ashamed of the way we look, but that’s easier said than done. In fact, society makes it very difficult to feel good about ourselves 24/7.

Though we’ve made big leaps in terms of the types of bodies represented in media and the way we talk about diet culture, the reality is we’re constantly comparing our bodies to ones we see on Instagram.

Whether it’s photoshopping, filters, or FaceTune, many of us spend hours looking at bodies that are digitally-altered to fit society’s standard of beauty. While it’s difficult to not compare, it’s so much easier to live life when you’re not worried about a number on a scale or on the inside of your jeans.

We’ll probably never fully feel free from society’s standards, but these body positive tips will help you to live your best life and to feel more confident in yourself.

Lose the Scale

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No seriously, throw your scale out the window right now. So many of us fixate on weighing a certain number, but that often just leads to disappointment.

Even if you reach that goal weight, you’ll constantly be obsessed with staying at that number and the reality is our weight fluctuates up and down all the time.

Instead, focus on how you feel when you eat healthily and exercise. How do your clothes fit? Do you feel like you have more energy? When we stop worrying about a number and start focusing on the internal change, that’s when we become more body positive. 

Thank Your Body

Alright, this one’s a little cheesy, but we promise it makes a difference. Many of us talk down to our bodies and criticize what we don’t like about ourselves.

However, instead of saying what we don’t like, take a moment each day to thank your body for something it did that day. 

Maybe your strong thighs that you used to criticize helped you to run three miles or your arms that you are self-conscious about helped you to move boxes into your new home. We all have things about ourselves that we’d like to change, but we need to focus on what we do have rather than what we don’t. 

Exercise However You Choose

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You don’t have to go to CrossFit classes six days a week or vow to run a marathon in order to get in shape and stay healthy. While it’s good to set goals, make sure they’re realistic and that you’re not setting yourself up to fail. 

Not all of us are going to run the New York Marathon or become a yoga master, at that’s OK! The most important thing is to find ways to move your body that you enjoy.

Unfollow People Who Make You Feel Bad About Yourself

Get on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook right now and unfollow every single person who makes you feel bad about yourself.

Whether that’s Kendall Jenner or your friend from high school, you have every right to eliminate negativity and body pressure from your life. Instead, follow people who make you feel good about yourself, people who focus on positivity, and self-love. 

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