What Is in the Cards for Taurus?

What do the Pentacles, the Empress, and the Hierophant have in store for Taurus?

What’s in the cards for Taurus?

Every week I pull one card from my grandmother’s tarot deck and write about what that card can mean for each sign. But today I want to focus on one sign in particular. Each zodiac sign has specific tarot cards assigned to them. And not just one card. Every sign has a specific card for them, their ruling planet, and their element.

But what do these cards mean? Let’s find out.

Today, we are talking about Taurus. The dependable sign needs a little attention from our trusty tarot deck. Yesterday, we listened to a sultry Taurus playlist. But today, we are going to explore the traits of the fixed earth a bit more thoroughly by seeing what the cards have in store for our patient yet hard-headed sign.

Taurus is connected to the Hierophant card. Its ruling planet, Venus, is connected to the Empress card. And its earth element is connected to the Pentacles suit. Let’s dive in a little deeper and see what these cards mean.

These cards can also hold a special meaning for you even if your moon or ascendant placements are in Taurus. If you are unsure if Taurus pops up in your birth chart, you can check that here. 



Every earth sign is connected to the Pentacles, or Coins, suit, and it is pretty obvious as to why. Pentacles represent stability, practicality, and organization. But the suit can also represent stubbornness and materialism. When a Pentacle pops up in a reading it usually relates to something regarding property, professions, or personal relationships. 

A Pentacle card advises us to lead with our heads rather than our hearts, meaning we should approach certain situations from a logical viewpoint instead of an emotional one. Pentacles symbolize positive attributes such as composure and determination. But on the flip side, they can also symbolize less-desirable traits such as obstinance and materialism.

The Pentacles relate to the level-headed nature of Taureans. When a pentacle card is pulled during a reading, it can mean home life and family matters. But it can also mean hesitation and greed. This is the suit of “common sense”, and it speaks to Taurus’ practicality and need for stability. But it also speaks to their stubborn nature.

The Empress


Taurus’ ruling planet is Venus and the tarot card for this loving planet is The Empress. This card is the third card in the Major Arcana, and it is believed that Major cards hold deeper and more specific meanings. In my grandmother’s deck, the card is depicted as a feminine figure reclining on a red cushioned throne in a field of golden wheat. The Empress wears a white dress adorned with red flowers or fruits that could be roses, pomegranates, or strawberries. She wears a crown of stars and laurels and holds a scepter. A silver heart with the symbol for Venus on it sits below her.

Though the card’s image may vary from deck to deck, the meaning is often the same. The card represents happiness and the overall well-being of loved ones. When this card pops up, it can represent an ability to nurture and care for those around you. It prompts Taurus to give a little extra love and attention to someone who may be in need.

This card illustrates the innate need that resides in all Taureans to care for those who may be unable to care for themselves. The Empress has a lot of maternal energy and Taureans are the quintessential mom friends. This card also reminds the fixed earth signs to care for and nurture themselves. 

The Hierophant 


The tarot card for Taurus is The Hierophant. I know what you are thinking. What the heck is a hierophant? A Hierophant is defined as a mystical person who interprets sacred truths. This card is the fifth card in the Major Arcana. In my grandmother’s deck, the card is depicted as an androgynous figure who wears a red and white robe and a large golden crown. They sit on a silver throne between two pillars. They hold a golden scepter in one hand and two golden keys rest at their feet. Two people stand before them, seeking guidance. 

Though the card’s image may vary from deck to deck, the meaning is often the same. The Hierophant represents wisdom and spiritual enlightenment that is gained from ancient knowledge rather than material wealth. When this card pops up it can represent a field of study that can seem intimidating but will lead to personal and professional success. It can also represent a person in your life whose wisdom will prove invaluable to you. This wise confidant could also be the querent themselves. 

As fixed earth signs, Taureans have a great deal of earthly wisdom. This card speaks to their desire to expand their knowledge and experience. It also speaks to their ability to seek out intelligent counselors or be a counselor to those who are in need.

There You Have It, Taurus!

We have a thoughtful tarot spread for the zodiac’s wholesome homemaker. Whenever these cards pop up in your reading, know that they may have an extra special message for you. If a Pentacle is pulled, know that you must approach an important decision with logic rather than emotion. If the Empress card is pulled, know that you or someone close to you is in need of some tender, loving care. And if the Hierophant card is pulled, know that it represents your desire for wisdom and spiritual enlightenment.

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