Tarot Tuesday: Temperance

Woman reading tarot
Read on to find out what the Temperance card has in store for you!

Welcome to Tarot Tuesday!

Each Tuesday, I will be pulling a card from my grandmother’s tarot deck and writing about what the card could mean for the signs, broken up by element. The elements of the zodiac are Fire (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius), Earth (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn), Air (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius), and Water (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces). 

I may pull a card from the major arcana, representing our inner wisdom. Or I may pull a suit card, representing outside influences. I may even pull a court card signifying a specific person in your life. This card can help you set your intention for the rest of the week or it can provide a visualization of your current situation. Don’t forget to check your moon and rising signs as well as your sun sign.



Today I pulled the Temperance card. This is the card of finding balance and middle ground. This card belongs to the Major Arcana, and it is believed that Major cards hold deeper and more specific meanings. 

In my grandmother’s deck, Temperance is depicted as an androgynous angel with golden hair and reddish-orange wings who stands with one foot in water and one foot on the ground. They wear a long white robe with an orange triangle emblazoned on the front. They hold two golden cups in their hands, pouring water from one cup to another. There are mountains and meadows in the background. 

Though the card’s image may vary from deck to deck, the meaning is often the same. On the surface, this card is all about keeping the peace. But when you dive deeper into the card’s meaning, you’ll find that it also represents acceptance. When this card pops up in a reading, it usually indicates that you are navigating a complex social or health situation. This card wants you to find harmony in yourself and your community.

However, this card can also represent a person who people-pleases as a trauma response. It can also represent a person who likes to “both sides” a situation.

Also, I’m just gonna say it; I don’t understand how this card is not associated with Libra. I mean, I get that it can coincide with Sagittarius’ philosophical tendencies and I also get how Libra gets associated with the Justice card. But come on, Temperance is like the perfect card for diplomatic Libra!

Okay, rant over! Let’s get on with the article!

What This Card Means for Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)


Fire signs are ruled by their passion and drive. The Temperance card speaks to your loyal somewhat overly charitable nature.

Aries, you may not have a great work/life balance right now. You are trying so hard to make your friends, family, and work colleagues happy, but you are completely neglecting your own happiness. You matter just as much as anyone else.

Leo, people are attracted to your warm-hearted ways, and they find you easy to talk to. Keep your ears, your arms, and your heart open for your loved ones who seek guidance from you. But don’t be offended if they don’t take your advice.

Sagittarius, as I stated before, your sign is particularly connected to this card, so it may hold more significance for you. Your philosophical nature helps you understand several sides of a situation. If many people are coming at you with different opinions of a high-stress situation, be as empathetic and supportive as possible, but don’t get overly attached to a situation that initially had nothing to do with you.

What This Card Means for Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)


Earth signs are ruled by their dedication and desire. The Temperance card speaks to your need for a stable environment.

Taurus, sometimes people come to you for guidance because they know you can detach yourself from a situation. And in this instance, I don’t mean “detached” as a bad thing. To your loved ones, you represent a stable, neutral ground for them to express themselves. You are a safe space. But don’t be afraid to speak up when you yourself need a safe space.

Virgo, your health has not really been at the forefront of your mind lately. You may have been struggling with unhealthy coping mechanisms. This card wants you to love and take care of yourself. It’s time to find inner peace.

Capricorn, you are such a protective person, and you want to take care of the vulnerable people in your life. However, you run the risk of being overbearing. Take a step back. Your loved ones will come to you when they are ready. 

What This Card Means for Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)


Air signs are ruled by their compassion and independence. The Temperance card speaks to your ability to problem solve and communicate effectively. 

Gemini, your dualistic nature makes it difficult for you to find the middle ground. But this card wants you to strive for the middle ground in certain situations or risk being knocked off-kilter. Your mental well-being and emotional balance are of the utmost importance.

Libra, again, I totally think this card should be designated for you, but I don’t make the rules. It is time for your diplomacy to shine. Don’t be surprised when several people start coming to you for guidance. Empathize with their emotions while simultaneously advocating for logic.

Aquarius, our society has taught us that logic is good and emotions are bad. But this is far from the case. Logic and emotions can go hand-in-hand. So remember to consult both when dealing with certain situations.

What This Card Means for Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)


Water signs are ruled by their empathy and imagination. The Temperance card speaks to your empathetic yet people-pleasing ways.

Cancer, you need to remember that it is not your fault if something doesn’t work out. Things happen. Plans change. Banish the delusion that you can control everything. You are NOT letting anyone down. 

Scorpio, things are out of your control — but that fact does not need to scare you. Let go of whatever expectations people have for you and your expectations for other people. Let the chips fall where they may.

Pisces, slow down! Please. People are not going to hate you if you can’t be anything and everything to them. And if they do, you don’t need their negative presence in their life.

Tune in next week for another Tuesday Tarot Pull!

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