We have talked about how lunar aspects affect our emotions. And we have talked about what our personal moon placements mean. If you are still unsure of what your moon sign is, you can check it here.
Let’s talk about this week’s lunar transits and how they may affect our daily lives!
Monday, December 12th

Today, the moon in Leo forms a strong sextile with Mars in Gemini. Under this sextile, we feel like we can take on anything. We handle our issues in a pragmatic way and have the courage to face situations that once intimidated us. We feel open and honest with ourselves as well as others.
A few hours later, the moon finds itself forming a square with Uranus in Taurus. Our moods continue to be unpredictable under this square. This instability is causing a rift with our romantic partners. Our heightened sensuality and growing irritability are making our relationships run hot and cold. When we feel moody, it is easy to slip into old habits that bring us comfort. This coping mechanism is perfectly alright, as long as it does not lead to self-destructive tendencies.
Tuesday, December 13th

Around midmorning, the moon forms an opposition with Saturn in introverted Aquarius. Under this opposition, we may feel restricted and unsatisfied with life. It may be difficult for us to be honest with others about how we feel. We may find it hard to trust others as well. This distrust of others may cause us to feel isolated from our community, especially our loved ones. We may feel alienated from a maternal figure. It may be time to reach out to a close confidant, a spiritual leader, or mental health professional.
A couple of hours later, the sun in Sagittarius forms a trine with the moon. “Harmony” and “happiness” are the two words most associated with this trine. This transit can help to manifest a healthy work-life balance, a substantial diet and exercise regime, and peaceful relationships with your loved ones. The key to success is to let things happen naturally.
Wednesday, December 14th

In the wee hours of the morning, the moon has moved out of extravagant Leo and into rational Virgo. There has been a lot of temptation to over-indulge in creature comforts and self-destructive behaviors. But now, you are overcome with the need to take care of yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically. You can do some stretches before bed. You can fix yourself a yummy and healthy midnight snack. You can listen to your favorite song or ASMR video to help you relax before you go to sleep. Take care of yourself in a way that makes you feel good and rested.
In the middle of the afternoon, the moon forms a trine with Venus in Capricorn. Under this trine, our desires shift from creative to romantic. We extend a great amount of courtesy to our loved ones and we are able to easily adapt to their needs. We feel amicable and have a strong desire to take care of our family and community. However, it is important that we remember to take care of ourselves as well.
Thursday, December 15th

While we slept, the moon formed a trine with Mercury in Capricorn. Under this trine, we are open-minded and willing to learn. Our minds are sharp and our speech is clear. At this time, we can easily influence others with our charisma and leadership qualities. However, it is important that we wield this power with great discernment. We want to keep our influence a positive one.
Around breakfast time, the moon in Scorpio forms a square with Mars in Gemini. This square brings out our passion, but it can also bring out our competitive spirits. We feel particularly argumentative, especially with the opposite sex. We try to mask our emotions with hasty decisions. It is important that we acknowledge our own feelings at this time, rather than repressing them. Journaling or talking to a trusted confidant can help.
Later in the morning, the moon forms a high-spirited trine with Uranus in dedicated Taurus. Under this trine, we feel sharp and ambitious. We are forging our own path and completing whatever tasks come our way. We are also finding new-fangled and innovative ways to solve our problems. At this time, we are eager to help our friends and colleagues. Our amicable demeanor is helping to influence people in a positive way.
Friday, December 16th

Just after midnight, the moon forms an opposition with Neptune in Pisces. Under this opposition, we may suffer from imposter syndrome. We may feel a little off-kilter. Our feelings can be easily hurt, but we may not be upfront with others about how we feel. If your loved ones say or do something that hurts you, tell them. If they get mad at you for standing up for yourself, they are not worth your time.
A little while later, the sun forms a square with the moon. Under this half-moon, we can face many obstacles in our personal and professional lives. We may feel uncomfortable in our own skin and around others. This discomfort can lead to public arguments. Since we are particularly susceptible to health issues at this time, we may find it helpful to take a mental health day and let ourselves rest and relax.
A few hours later, the moon forms a trine with Pluto in self-assured Capricorn. Under this trine, emotions and desires that have laid dormant within us are being brought to the surface. Now is the perfect time to eat at that new restaurant or take part in an activity that you have never tried before. It may be fun to visit a new town and meet new people.
Around lunchtime, the moon forms an opposition with Jupiter in Pisces. Under this opposition, we do not like to be ordered around. We may behave in a defiant manner towards authority figures. We are on edge, and this edginess may lead to arguments and problems with our loved ones. Our short temper may alienate us from the ones we love. We must be careful not to overindulge because our liver is especially vulnerable at this time.
Half an hour later, the moon moves into congenial Libra. Under this moon, we feel light-hearted and open-minded. Just as Libra craves balance, we too, desire harmony. At this time, we are concerned with matters of love and our relationships. We are feeling particularly romantic. Spend quality time with your partner. Or if you’re unattached, venture out and meet someone new.
All aspects mentioned here are calculated in Eastern Standard Time. For greater accuracy, convert to your own time zone.