Mars is Moving into Taurus, and Here’s What That Could Mean for You

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Pexels | Samson Katt
Major planetary changes are happening right now. Do you know how the movement of Mars is going to change your life? Keep yourself updated, and be prepared!

After six months of residing in its home sign of fiery Aries, Mars — the planet of action, motivation, and passion — is moving into grounded Taurus. At face value, this sounds kind of amazing after the “go, go, go!” of the past several months, no?

Taurus may be more deliberate than Aries, but it’s just as determined. Taurus believes that slow and steady wins the race. Aries, on the other hand, wants to burn out before it fades away. Anyone else feeling burnt out after 2020? This stabilizing influence could be a sigh of relief.

But this transit has its cons as well. Mars isn’t really at home in the sign of the bull. Decision making could be more of a challenge, with an emphasis on double and triple-checking things before we pull the trigger. It could take more thought and planning to get ideas or projects off the ground. Schedules and to-do lists will be our friends until March 3, when Mars moves into Gemini.

Mars also rules our sex drives, and there could be a little bit of friction here, with Mars in Venus-ruled Taurus. There could be hiccups in communication in our romantic relationships. But rest assured that Taurus is no stranger to sensuality. Things might feel a little more slow and deliberate, but at heart, Taurus is a pleasure-loving hedonist, so this isn’t an entirely bad thing.

Okay, so that’s a look at what Mars moving into Taurus will mean on a macro level. But how will it affect you specifically? Depending on your birth chart, it could give you a clue as to where to place your energy over the coming months. Read on to see how this transit will influence both your sun and rising signs.


This transit occurs in your 2nd house of money, Aries. This should bring you new energy to pour into bringing in the dough. You may be feeling quite resourceful, and bursting with entrepreneurial ideas. Watch out for impulse buying, though. It could get you into trouble.


Because this specific transit occurs in your identity sector, you’re feeling a strong, clear energy urging you to assert yourself and stand your ground. It’s your time to put your mark on the world and really make things happen. Just avoid being too pushy, and watch your temper with others.


Gemini, today we’re looking at your 12th house of healing. Mars has a huge impact on our energy, and yours is telling you to pull inward for a while. You might be feeling an urge to enter a period of rest and reflection. Listen to your intuition and give yourself space to be alone.


It’s networking time! Under this transit, your village might be the key to unlocking your potential and reaching your goals. This would be a great time to pursue a leadership position if that’s something that appeals to you. Just keep your ego in check.


Prepare for your ambition to go into hyperdrive! You desperately want to be recognized for all the hard work you’ve put into achieving your goals. Conflicts with authority may be on the horizon, which might fuel desires to strike out on your own.


Virgo, this transit is occurring in your sector of philosophy and higher learning. Simply put, you’re craving newness. New travel, new experiences, new learning opportunities. Jet-setting around the world might not be possible right now, but you could still broaden your horizons.


This could be a bit of an uncomfortable transit, as it puts a spotlight on intimate relationships that could bring up some trust issues. It could lead you to some feelings of self-doubt and exhaustion. Keep in mind it’s only temporary –- Mars will be moving into your sector of balance in partnerships in March.


This transit occurs in your 7th house of balance, and could bring out a battle of the egos between yourself and your romantic partner. Finding common ground could be a bit of a challenge, but it’s an important step. Good news is the make-up sex will be spectacular.


You have a surplus of energy right now, and it would be best spent getting your health in order. Maybe it’s time to join a new fitness class or start a new at-home workout routine. Establish new habits that will safeguard your health over the coming months.


You’re bursting with energy and ideas, but not so much with self-discipline or organization. There is passion to spare under this transit, and you’re especially magnetic to others. Your love life might get a jumpstart over the next couple of months.


It’s Spring Cleaning time — a few months early! You’ve got energy to spare to pour into domestic projects and plans. The welfare and security of your loved ones is the highest priority, and you’re feeling especially protective. Watch out for family squabbles that could get out of hand.


You’re absolutely bursting with creative ideas under this transit, and if you stay organized, you’ll be able to sell those ideas to others in a very articulate and convincing way. You can also rub some people the wrong way without knowing it, so watch for flared tempers.

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