Astrology Meets Tarot: What’s in the Cards for Gemini?

What do the Swords, The Magician, and The Lovers have in store for Geminis?

Every week I pull one card from my grandmother’s tarot deck and write about what that card can mean for each sign. But today I want to focus on one sign in particular. Each zodiac sign has specific tarot cards assigned to them. I don’t mean just one card. Every sign has a specific card for them, their ruling planet, and their element. But what do these cards mean? Let’s find out.

Today, we are talking about Gemini. The inquisitive sign needs a little attention from our trusty tarot deck. Last week, we listened to an inspirational Gemini playlist. But today, we are going to explore the traits of the fixed earth a bit more thoroughly by seeing what the cards have in store for our intellectual yet playful sign.

Gemini is connected to The Lovers card. Its ruling planet, Mercury, is connected to the Magician card. And its air element is connected to the Swords suit. Let’s dive in a little deeper and see what these cards mean.

These cards can also hold a special meaning for you even if your moon and ascendant placements are in Gemini. If you are unsure if Gemini pops up in your birth chart, you can check that here



Every air sign is connected to the Swords suit, and it is pretty obvious as to why. Swords represent logic, focus, and communication. But the suit can also represent fearfulness and single-mindedness. When a sword pops up in a reading it usually relates to something regarding education or justice.

A Sword card advises us to use our wisdom and our words when faced with a dilemma. It reminds us to courageously raise our voices to bring about much-needed change. But it also warns us against judging others too harshly.

The Swords speak to the eloquent and indecisive nature of Gemini. When a sword card is pulled, it can represent the need to communicate. But it can also represent fears that are holding us back. This is the “swift action” suit, and if a sword card pops up in a reading, it may be telling Gemini to speak up and/or trust their instincts. 

The Magician


The ruling planet for Gemini is Mercury and the tarot card for Mercury is The Magician. In some tarot decks, the Magician is depicted as a masculine figure wearing red and white robes and surrounded by greenery and roses. They hold a wand above their heads and stand beside an altar holding a chalice, an athame, and a pentacle. There is an infinity symbol, also known as a lemniscate over their head. However, the card may look different based on which deck you use. In some decks, the card may be referred to as “The Juggler.”

Though the card’s image may vary from deck to deck, the meaning is often the same. This card represents originality and imagination. The Magician can be a harbinger of good luck. It can symbolize creative success. When this card pops up in a reading, it may indicate a need for good communication and networking. It can also symbolize a powerful ally who can aid you in your aspirations, and that you may find yourself attracted to.

Mercury governs our communication, technological prowess, and the way we process information. And since it rules over Gemini, it only makes sense that the sign excels in areas where these traits are concerned. This card relates to the mutable air sign’s exceptional communication skills. 

The Lovers


The tarot card for Gemini is The Lovers. You are probably wondering why The Lovers card is not reserved for a Venus-ruled planet. Well, I’ll explain. The Lovers card can represent love, but it also represents choice. This choice is usually related to a romantic matter, but not always. In some decks, the card is depicted as a nude feminine and a nude masculine figure standing on either side of an angel. The two figures may be Adam and Eve, because an apple tree, a serpent, and a tree with fiery limbs stand behind them. The angel wears a gray robe and has red wings. The sun shines brightly above the trio. Some could argue that this card serves as a foil to The Devil card.

This card is the literal manifestation of the phrase “listen to your heart.” When it pops up, it usually means that when presented with a hard choice you should go with the choice that makes you the happiest. The Lovers card does not want you to play it safe, and yet you should still proceed with caution. A choice that makes you happy in the moment may not make you happy in the long term.

This card relates to Gemini’s erratic nature. It can be hard for anyone to make decisions, but it can be particularly difficult for this air sign. All mutable signs have the ability to be adaptable, but Gemini’s mutability makes them a little too adaptable. This card wants them to trust themselves to make the right decision.

There you have it, Gemini!

We have a thought-provoking tarot spread for the zodiac’s worldly wordsmith. Whenever these cards pop up in your reading, know that they may have an extra special message for you. If a Sword card is pulled, know that you have the courage and ability to make an important decision. If the Magician card is pulled, know that your exceptional communication skills are needed. And if The Lovers card is pulled, know that you must make a choice that will bring you joy as well as mental and emotional contentment.

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