Every week I pull one card from my grandmother’s tarot deck and write about what that card can mean for each sign. But today I want to focus on one sign in particular. Each zodiac sign has specific tarot cards assigned to them. I don’t mean just one card. Every sign has a specific card for them, their ruling planet, and their element. But what do these cards mean? Let’s find out.
Today, we are talking about Aries. The feisty sign needs a little attention from our trusty tarot deck. At the beginning of the warrior ram season, we listened to an Aries playlist. And last week we discussed the best and worst love matches for the cardinal fire sign. But today, we are going to explore the traits of Aries a bit more thoroughly by seeing what the cards have in store for our reckless yet passionate sign.
Aries is connected to the Emperor card. Its ruling planet, Mars, is connected to the Tower card. And its fire element is connected to the Wands suit. Let’s dive in a little deeper and see what these cards mean.
Even if Aries is not your sun sign, check here to see if you have Aries in a prominent place in your chart.

Every fire sign is connected to the wands suit, the suit of self-expression and individuality. Wands represent independence, creativity, and spontaneity. But they can also represent instability and inattentiveness.
A wand card advises us to nurture our own dreams and desires. This suit wants us to take charge of our own careers and destiny. If a wand card pops up in a reading, it can signify joy being achieved by taking control of your own life.
This suit truly speaks to Aries’ originality and adventurous spirit. When a wand card comes up in a reading it can represent imagination and innovation. A wand card could also represent frustration and resentment towards our fellow humans, which can speak to Aries’ volatility. But worry not, fire signs. This is not just a “me me me” suit. Wand cards can represent success and generosity, which fits perfectly with Aries’ loyal nature.
The Tower

Aries, the warrior of the zodiac, is ruled by Mars, a planet named for the Roman god of war. The tarot card for Mars is the Tower, the card of liberty and salvation. This card belongs to the Major Arcana and it is believed that Major cards hold deeper and more specific meaning. This card is often depicted as a tall gray tower on top of a rocky crag being struck by lightning. A large golden crown falls from the top of the tower as two people, one of them a perceived king or queen, is thrown to the ground.
This card represents liberation and an end to certain restrictions. When this card pops up in a reading, it can mean that it is time to break free from a situation that is holding you back. This card illustrates Aries’ need for adventure and freedom.
Mars governs our willfulness, drive, and passion. And since it rules over Aries, it only makes sense that Aries embodies these traits. The Tower card encourages the cardinal fire sign to liberate themselves from obstacles that are keeping them from living their best life. You can choose to see yourself as the two figures who are falling from the tower that they were trapped in. Or you can choose to see yourself as the lightning bolt that is tearing the oppressive structure down. Free yourself from the confines of the dark and dreary tower and follow your passion.
The Emperor

The tarot card for Aries is the Emperor, the card of power and accomplishment. This card is often depicted as a masculine figure with a long white beard sitting on a silver or stone throne with rams carved into it. He wears a golden crown, red robes, and armored boots. He holds an orb in one hand and a scepter in the other.
The Emperor can symbolize a father figure or an authoritative masculine figure. It can also symbolize our ability to achieve our goals by asserting ourselves. If you have ever felt looked over or not appreciated, this card wants you to stand up for yourself.
It is no coincidence that ram imagery is featured heavily in this card. This card reminds Aries to burn brightly for everyone to see. Funny enough, there are a lot of Aries out there that try to shrink themselves and present as more demure to combat the “Aries are angry and loud” stereotype. To that, this card says “No!” This card wants you to use your voice and demand the credit and accolades that you deserve. No one is allowed to bully you into submission. Not even yourself.
This card could also speak to Aries familial loyalty. Since the Emperor card can also represent a father figure, it could mean that you need to spend more time with a father figure, an uncle, or a brother.
There you have it, Aries!
We have a powerful tarot spread for the zodiac’s wayfaring warrior. Whenever these cards pop up in your reading, know that they may have an extra special message for you. If a Wand is pulled, know that you must follow your own path and nurture your creativity. If the Tower card is pulled, know that it is time to free yourself from situations that no longer serve you. And if the Emperor card is pulled, know that it is time to stand up for yourself and make your voice heard.